What does a feminist look like?
What currently passes for feminism in colleges and other elite settings is anything but. Look at all the men hopping around campuses, offices and city streets in their “What a Feminist Looks Like” T shirts who at best have never lifted a finger in support of the women’s movement and at worst have actively harmed it. It seems that anyone can now pass for the real deal simply by wearing an item.
And it’s not just men who are trying to rebrand feminism as whatever they want: There’s also a new wave of conservative-minded women calling themselves “feminists,” even as they propagate a regressive 1950s-esque role for women as well as women. at home and in the workplace.
Mary Harrington, a writer I know and respect very much, is a good example of this. In her new book, Feminism against Progress, she is rightly critical of how liberal “feminism” promotes the commercialization of women’s bodies through prostitution and surrogacy. She also argues that contemporary feminism undermines motherhood as an alternative to independence.
Yet the possible solutions Harrington offers in her book are anything but feminist: she suggests that the continued dehumanization of women can be counteracted by monogamously marrying a nice man. Harrington is critical of the birth control pill because it gives men permission to demand casual sex, when I believe this is the job of patriarchy and a sexist legal system. And while she’s not necessarily anti-abortion, she clearly suffers from it.
Among all these new forms of “feminism,” there’s also the idea that women who are subject to misogyny should automatically get credit for being labeled a kick-ass feminist. Take Madonna and the nasty, ugly comments about it, for example her use of botox and cosmetic surgery. Are we condemning the beauty industry (which risks encouraging evil misogynists)? Or do we defend Madonna and her choices, labeling those choices as “feminist” (validating cosmetic surgery as a tool of liberation)?
Neither do we, because we can’t agree with the idea that Madonna is making a strong, feminist choice here.
I am not advocating a feminism that condemns and excludes women, because my type of movement makes a commitment to end the oppression of all women, whether we like them or not, and whether we agree with them or not. The oppression of women under the patriarchy takes many forms, and only collectively can we resist and overcome atrocities like male violence.
Feminism is a mass movement – not an individual point of view. It’s a fight for liberation. Fighting for women’s rights is not the same as fighting for women’s emancipation. Over the past few decades, I have witnessed attempts to undermine, dilute, and discredit this definition—by men and women alike. These have always been motivated by a desire to support the status quo, avoid rocking the boat, keep men happy and women in their place.
The goal of women’s emancipation seems to have been replaced by a goal of equality, measured by broken glass ceilings – while women at the bottom of the ladder are ignored.
Why is it considered acceptable to define feminism in a way that completely undermines its broad fundamental goals and objectives? No other political movement has been subverted (by those hostile to its original goals and objectives) to mean the exact opposite.
Whether it’s “progressive” men who head “feminist” associations in colleges, who tell women that porn is liberating, or conservative women who suggest that women can avoid sexual violence by returning to the traditional marriage and the raising of children, it’s all being rebranded as feminism. , when it is anything but.
The past decade has seen a shift toward what I call “feminism for men” or “fun feminism.” Prostitution and pornography have been rebranded as “choice” and “empowerment”, while harmful, degrading sexual practices are now called “kink” and considered liberating for women.
Sexist and misogynistic men are not the only ones who dislike feminism, as are those challenged by women who criticize their sense of entitlement or use of pornography. Opposition to feminism is fierce and constant. Women are prosecuted for trumped-up rape charges, but rape convictions in the UK are fair An percent of police reports. Some family courts do not recognize marital rape as a crime in England and Wales since 1992. And every three days a woman is killed by a man for being a woman, more often than not, by an abusive male partner.
Thanks to feminists, we are now hearing about the men who perpetrate acts of domestic and sexual violence against women and girls. Every time I hear someone say, “A woman was raped,” I want to hear, “A man raped a woman.” We cannot reach our potential while living in fear. Young women should be given the hope that both the streets and the home will be safe for them during their lifetime. Feminism’s goal should be to end male violence. And yet there are those who claim to be ‘feminist’ [the] fingertips” but seem willing to put women at risk for brownie points.
Former First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon pushed through a bill that would allow any man, including convicted rapists and child molesters, to identify themselves as a woman and gain access to areas for separated women in prisons, refuges and crisis centers for women. rape. How can a so-called feminist put men’s needs and “feelings” above the safety of women and girls?
Younger feminists face hostility and bullying, especially from the so-called progressives of their generation. They scratch their heads in dismay and bewilderment at the promotion of prostitution (renamed “sex work”), the violation of women’s hard-earned sex-based rights under the guise of “promoting transgender rights”, and dangerous sexual practices. practices presented as “feminist causes”. They have seen porn used as a form of sexual harassment and to justify assault. Many of these young women are returning to pre-internet campaigning methods and recognizing the need for them engage with real women and each other, to be physically present and empowered, campaign outside of online forums (many of which have become misogynistic spaces). These women give me hope.
For feminism to succeed, we must be vigilant of those who wish to harm the movement while claiming the title for themselves. And if we see a wolf dressed up as a lamb, we should be brave enough to point the finger.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial view of Al Jazeera.