Prankster, famous for his VERY literal interpretation of Photoshop requests, reveals his latest images

You asked for it! Prankster designer, famous for his VERY literal interpretation of Photoshop requests, reveals his latest images

We all know it: you try your best to pose for a photo or get the perfect shot, but it just doesn’t turn out the way you hoped.

Well that’s not a problem in this day and age, is it?

You can just turn to Photoshop and make some nifty edits, and voila, you might end up with your perfect shot after all.

Well, that’s the prevailing theory, but one creative person has another idea…

James Fridman, a graphic designer who hails from the UK but now lives in the US, has gained a cult following for his creative take on Photoshop edits.

But Jamie put it in something truly American - a Walmart parking lot.  What else?

When a Russian man asked to be transported to America so he could lie in the sun, this photo probably wasn’t what he had in mind

A dowdy man asked Jamie to enlarge his girlfriend's breasts

And Jamie was more than happy to change the picture - just in his own special way

In this hilarious photo, Jamie was only too happy to add some cleavage – but he added it to the wrong person, making him look very attractive

The artist takes requests on Instagram and Twitter, where people reach out and ask him to make changes to their images.

Using his own unique interpretation of people’s requests, Jamie edits their photos, often with hilarious and thought-provoking results.

And his work is so popular that he has amassed two million followers on social media, with fans signing up to keep an eye on his work.

Some of his photos contain requests asking for hands to be repaired or unsightly objects to be removed from the background – which James is only too happy to comply with.

Others literally give a different view of what is being asked of them, such as knocking someone out.

Here, FEMAIL shares some of James’ best photos, as shared by the entertainment site delimited and his own Twitter feed.

One person asked if Jamie could knock out the girl in the purple skirt - which he was more than happy to do

He took the request literally, he photoshopped himself by taking her out on a date, and she looked happy

Jamie takes requests very literally, so when he was asked to take one woman out of this shot, he was happy to do so

This woman asked if she could be photoshopped to look more like a Kardashian, with a big pout...

But the famous photoshop artist refused, saying that she was already beautiful as she was

This woman asked if she could be photoshopped to look more like a Kardashian, but Jamie refused, saying she’s beautiful just the way she is

One of them asked if Jamie could help remove the ugly creature from the photo, which he was more than happy to do

The woman asked for it with her request.  She was removed, but the furry cat remained

Jamie was only too happy to edit this one photo, removing the posing woman seeking attention and leaving only her friendly-looking cat in the frame

The man on the left said his friends often teased him about his long hair

So Jamie Photoshopped strange hairstyles onto the other two friends - very 1980s

When a fan sent Jamie a photo of himself with long limp hair asking if he could help him, Jamie was thrilled to be able to give his friends crazy haircuts too

This young man works hard on his looks, but says only gay people want to go out with him

Jamie was more than happy to change his look and get rid of his muscular physique

The man in the photo originally sported a six-pack and a waxed chest, but Jamie added some hair and a tummy tuck so the man wouldn’t draw undue attention

This woman asked Jamie if he would kindly fix her hand because it looked weird

Jamie was kind enough to help, photoshopped into a big brown horse to help her

Often we end up in poses we wish we hadn’t, which was the case with this woman who held her hand at an odd angle – but Jamie had a clever way to fix it