JK Rowling reveals activists copy and paste fake tweets about trans children upset by her views

JK Rowling revealed today how pro-trans activists bombard her with copied and pasted messages about imaginary children who are “upset by her views.”

The 57-year-old author of Harry Potter and Strike showed examples of several Twitter accounts posting identical messages to her.

They all claim to be parents who have a trans daughter who is “heartbroken” about her views on gender.

Viewed together, there is no denying that some posts are identical and clearly copied.

Rowling, a mother of three, has campaigned for women’s rights and women-only spaces amid fears predatory men could impersonate women to use them.

But an extremist fringe of the pro-trans movement has twisted this to suggest she is transphobic.

JK Rowling, 57, is regularly attacked online by extremist pro-trans activists for her views

1684143123 769 JK Rowling reveals activists copy and paste fake tweets about

These identical messages have exactly the same content and are addressed to the author of the hit

These identical messages have exactly the same content and are addressed to the author of the hit

1684143131 828 JK Rowling reveals activists copy and paste fake tweets about

Again, this copied post shows the exact same text accusing the writer of being transphobic

Again, this copied post shows the exact same text accusing the writer of being transphobic

Ms Rowling showed examples of the copied posts and ridiculed them with her own, stating: “My one-year-old son just looked up from Twitter and said, ‘Mum, why have you made these very real kids sad with your horrific but unproven bigotry.” ?”

Then he ran upstairs and burned all his Potter books. I was so damn embarrassed I almost forgot the child was imaginary.’

The latter comment alludes to a growing trend online for people to set fire to Ms. Rowling’s novels about the famous boy wizard.

Messages collected by the author seemed to show that there is a set of two messages that are widely repeated and sent to her.

One of them says, “My trans daughter always loved your books, but after you became a bigot she cried and asked me “daddy, why do people hate people who are different from them?” I don’t know honey, I don’t know.’

The second varies the imaginary child’s age between nine and twelve when posted.

It says: My transgender daughter cries every time she sees one of your transphobic posts.

“She’s a huge fan of Harry Potter, but it’s heartbreaking to see the author of her favorite book series be so bigoted.

“Please, JK, put a smile on my daughter’s face.”

Last week Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting, spoke out in defense of Ms Rowling, saying she had been “demonized” by online extremists as “some sort of witch” for her views.

The 64-year-old Scotsman, whose novel was turned into a cult classic by Danny Boyle in 1996, said she was simply “trying to protect women’s spaces.”

Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting, has said JK Rowling has been

Irvine Welsh, author of Trainspotting, has said JK Rowling has been “demonized” as “some sort of witch” because of her views on transgender issues. Pictured is the author of Harry Potter wearing a T-shirt that labels ex-SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon a ‘destroyer of women’s rights’

JK Rowling ridiculed the copied posts with one of her own, written in a very similar style

JK Rowling ridiculed the copied posts with one of her own, written in a very similar style

Speak against The timesIn fact, the author said he consulted “trans advisors” when writing his latest book, The Long Knives, which came out last year.

JK Rowling has been repeatedly labeled as transphobic for her views on the LGBT+ debate on social media.

But Mr Welsh said he admired her integrity and believes her feminist stance has been misrepresented as an attempt to ‘destroy transgender people’.

He said: “She’s been demonized as some kind of witch who wants to destroy transgender people, but she just wants women’s spaces to be protected.

“There has to be a way we can promote trans rights without attacking women’s rights.”

He said the toxic nature of the debate had been taken over by online extremists, adding: “There is such a huge difference between the majority of trans people and how they are portrayed on social media.

“It’s the same with feminists, anarchists, socialists, even fascists — each group has a much more extreme, narcissistic element to social media.”

When asked about the trans debate, the author said he had “consulted trans advisors” for both his new book and the TV show, adding, “You have to listen to people who know more than you do.

“There are too many straight white men expressing their opinions on everything. I’m here to get an education.”