Regions of England most vulnerable to measles as parents urged to book MMR jabs for children

The most vulnerable areas of England to a possible measles outbreak have been revealed on a MailOnline map amid a ‘worrying’ spike in cases.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed yesterday that it has detected 49 cases so far this year – nearly managing the total number of cases for all of 2022.

Health chiefs warned that 15 per cent of five-year-olds in England have not had their measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which is the best way to prevent it.

But data from local authorities shows that only half of young people in parts of England are protected against measles, with the lowest take-up in parts of London.

UKHSA officials have urged the parents of unpricked children to make an appointment with their GP to prevent further outbreaks.

Official data has revealed the areas most vulnerable to a potential measles outbreak, with more than a quarter of children in London missing out on the MMR shot, though this is rising by nearly half in some boroughs

Health chiefs have warned parents to check whether their children have had their MMR vaccine after recording 49 measles cases so far this year (January to April).  For comparison, 54 cases were registered for the whole of 2022.  While the number of cases fell due to the measures taken to curb the spread of Covid, experts fear a resurgence.  Figures for years prior to 2022 are those confirmed by oral fluid testing

Health chiefs have warned parents to check whether their children have had their MMR vaccine after recording 49 measles cases so far this year (January to April). For comparison, 54 cases were registered for the whole of 2022. While the number of cases fell due to the measures taken to curb the spread of Covid, experts fear a resurgence. Figures for years prior to 2022 are those confirmed by oral fluid testing

UKHSA data revealed that in December less than three-quarters of five-year-olds in London had received both doses of the MMR jab – the worst regional uptake in the country.

So far, London has been hardest hit by measles outbreaks, with 33 cases this year.

And only about half (55.2 per cent) of five-year-olds in Hackney, London had both doses of the MMR jab – the lowest of any authority in England.

Hackney also underperformed on the first MMR jab, with a third of the ward’s children missing their second birthday.

The vaccine, which has been distributed since the 1980s, is given in two doses, one around a child’s first birthday and again after they turn three.

After the capital, the West Midlands was the next worse region with just 84.5 per cent take-up.


Vaccinations for various unpleasant and deadly diseases are given free on the NHS to children and teenagers.

Here is a list of all the jabs someone should have at age 18 to ensure they and others around the country are protected:

Eight weeks old

  • 6-in-1 vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B.
  • Pneumococcal (PCV)
  • rotavirus
  • Meningitis B

12 weeks old

  • Second dose of 6-in-1 and rotavirus

16 weeks old

  • Third dose 6-in-1
  • Second dose of PCV and men. B

One year old

  • Hib/meningitis C
  • Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
  • Third dose of PCV and meningitis B

Two to eight years old

  • Annual childhood flu vaccine

Three years, four months old

  • Second dose of MMR
  • 4-in-1 toddler booster for diphtheria, tetanus, polio and whooping cough

12-13 years old (girls)

  • HPV (two doses within a year)

14 years old

  • 3-in-1 booster for teens against diphtheria, tetanus and polio
  • MenACWY

Source: NHS choices

This was followed by the North West and East Midlands, where only 86.4 and 86.6 per cent of five-year-olds were pricked.

The East of England and the South East performed better, with 88.5 and 87.6 per cent of their children receiving the vaccine.

But the best-performing regions were on the other side of the country, with the Southwest at 90.7 percent and the Northeast at 91.3 percent.

However, local government figures show that some areas are surprisingly underused, the vast majority in London.

After Hackney, Camden was the second lowest achiever for the second MMR dose, with only 63.2 percent of five-year-olds vaccinated.

This was followed by Islington (64.5 per cent), Kensington and Chelsea (64.6 per cent) and Enfield (65.3 per cent).

In terms of first dose for two-year-olds, the Isles of Scilly, off the coast of Cornwall, performed worst in England, where only 66.7 per cent of toddlers were stung.

Overall vaccination levels across England are well below the World Health Organisation’s target of 95 per cent measles vaccination, a level that helps prevent isolated cases from becoming outbreaks.

Only one area in the whole country managed to meet this target: Northumberland in the north east.

Health chiefs are currently on a campaign to boost MMR uptake ahead of the summer season when global travel and busy festival events can facilitate the spread of measles.

Dr. Vanessa Saliba, epidemiologist at UKHSA, said: ‘We are calling on all parents and guardians to ensure their children are aware of their 2 MMR doses.

“It’s never too late to catch up, and you can get the MMR vaccine for free on the NHS, whatever your age.”

She cautioned that while measles is usually mild, there is always a risk of a fatal outcome.

“Measles spreads very easily and can lead to complications that require a hospital stay and in rare cases can lead to lifelong disability or death, so it is very concerning to see cases starting to increase this year,” he said. she.

Cold-like symptoms, including a high temperature, a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, coughing, and red, sore, and watery eyes, are usually the first signs of a measles infection.

A few days later, small white spots may appear in the cheeks and on the back of the lips.

A rash, consisting of raised red blotchy patches that join together, usually appears on the face and behind the ears before spreading to the rest of the body.

Symptoms usually improve within a few weeks and can be controlled by drinking plenty of fluids and taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen to relieve fever.

London accounts for the majority of cases, with 33, followed by the South West which recorded six cases

London accounts for the majority of cases, with 33, followed by the South West which recorded six cases

Data released earlier this year from the NHS England shows that uptake of the MMR vaccine fell to just 88.6 per cent for one dose in two-year-olds, and to 85.5 per cent for both shots in five-year-olds

Data released earlier this year from the NHS England shows that uptake of the MMR vaccine fell to just 88.6 per cent for one dose in two-year-olds, and to 85.5 per cent for both shots in five-year-olds

However, if measles spreads to the lungs or brain, it can cause pneumonia, meningitis, blindness, and seizures.

Experts said the spike in England is being repeated at a global level after childhood vaccination programs were disrupted by the Covid pandemic.

This has led to some cases being imported to Britain, with a quarter of cases detected this year having been imported from other countries, according to the UKHSA.

It said the rest were the result of community transmission in England itself, including a cluster of cases linked to an outbreak at school.

Nationally, 40 percent of the cases detected so far in 2023 will be in children under the age of five.

Professor Helen Bedford, a child health expert at University College London, has said the rise in cases was ‘worrying but not surprising’.

She said: ‘Unfortunately, in recent years we have seen a decline in the uptake of MMR vaccines. MMR vaccine uptake is now less than 90 percent.

“Measles is so contagious that even a small decrease in uptake can lead to outbreaks – we need to maintain 95 percent uptake of two doses of MMR vaccine to prevent such outbreaks.”

Professor Bedford said the fact that Covid is making measles seem less of a threat, an increase in vaccine hesitancy and pressure from GPs could be behind the drop in take-up.

She said: “There may be some hesitation with vaccines, although studies by UKHSA and others suggest this is not a major reason in the UK. However, such surveys often do not reflect the views of everyone, especially those with more extreme, anti-vaccine views.

‘Fewer health visitors and pressure on general practice both probably contribute to a lower vaccination rate.’

Health chiefs are urging parents of young children, teenagers and adults themselves to check whether they are up to date on the MMR vaccination.

Data suggests that 20 million measles cases and 4,500 deaths have been prevented in the UK since the first vaccine targeting the virus was deployed in 1968.

Parents can check their children’s MMR vaccinations by checking their vaccination booklet in their Red Book.

Anyone who has not yet had two doses of the MMR vaccine can contact their GP to make an appointment.

Measles symptoms include a high fever, painful red watery eyes, and a blotchy red-brown rash.

Although usually mild, in some cases a hospital stay may be required.

Severe cases of measles can lead to pneumonia, meningitis, and even long-term disability or death.

So far, the West Midlands and Yorkshire and the Humber have been the only regions spared from measles this year.