KEEP Title 42 in place, Republicans urge Biden

Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are asking President Biden to reverse his administration’s decision to end Title 42, saying it will “exacerbate” the ongoing migrant crisis on the southern border.

Title 42, the COVID-19 pandemic-era policy that helped law enforcement quickly remove illegal migrants at the border, expires on Thursday, May 11, in what ranking member Lindsey Graham called a “nightmare date.”

According to reports, between 10,000 and 13,000 migrants per day are expected to cross the southern border with the end of Title 42 restrictions.

In a letter written to Biden on Wednesday obtained by, the senators, led by Lindsey Graham, RS.C., said Title 42 is necessary to maintain order at the border.

“So what we hope to do is beg and plead with this administration β€” I’ve asked Democrats to join the effort β€” not to revoke Title 42,” Graham said at a news conference.

“We are writing today to implore you to reverse your decision to terminate the Title 42 Public Health Order, which expires May 11,” the letter reads.

According to the Department of Homeland Security’s own estimates, border crossings in response to the termination of the Title 42 order could reach up to 13,000 illegal immigrant encounters per day.

The Senators – led by Senator Lindsey Graham, RS.C. β€” wrote a letter to Biden

β€œWe are writing today to implore you to reverse your decision to end the Title 42 Public Health Order, which expires May 11,” the senators say.

β€œWe are writing today to implore you to reverse your decision to end the Title 42 Public Health Order, which expires May 11,” the senators say.

“We shudder to think how much worse the situation at the border would have been over the last three years if it weren’t for Title 42,” the letter reads.

The senators also say the government’s CBP One app to help migrants prepare asylum applications is a “weak answer” that won’t be useful during such a big surge.

β€œA rebuttable presumption of ineligibility for asylum is a weak response to the rampant and ongoing abuse of our asylum system. Nothing in this rule prevents foreigners from submitting frivolous asylum applications,” they write.

“Instead, under the terms of the rule, aliens are encouraged to schedule a time to present themselves at a port of entry via the CBP One mobile application, after which many, if not most, will subsequently seek asylum.” , the senators continue in the letter first reported by Fox news.

If the number of border crossings increases to 13,000 every day, it will be “the equivalent of throwing gasoline on an already raging fire,” the senators argue.

The Republicans are urging Biden to “seize the moment” and secure the border.

The Biden administration announced on Tuesday that it will send 1,500 troops to the southern border by May 10, ahead of the termination of Title 42 β€” a move Republicans label “ridiculous political theater.”

At the request of the Department of Homeland Security, the agency “will provide a temporary increase of 1,500 military personnel for 90 days to supplement CBP efforts at the border.”

Senator John Cornyn, R-Texas, said the troops can do nothing but “push paper” and “change diapers.”

β€œThey are doing nothing to deter the interests of the country. So it’s political theater, it doesn’t change the dynamic,” added Senator Lindsey Graham, RS.C.

The Department of Defense will deploy the troops for about three months to assist US Customs and Border Patrol agents, but will not be involved in any active “law enforcement work.”

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green denounced the Biden administration’s decision to send 1,500 active-duty US military personnel to the southern border, saying it will not stop the influx of illegal migrants.

The Republicans are urging Biden to

The Republicans are urging Biden to “seize the moment” and secure the border

There is a rapidly forming migrant caravan in Mexico, with some estimating as many as 35,000 asylum seekers waiting to cross into the US interior after May 11.

There is a rapidly forming migrant caravan in Mexico, with some estimating as many as 35,000 asylum seekers waiting to cross into the US interior after May 11.

β€œBy having our uniformed men and women do administrative work to get illegal aliens into the interior more quickly, President Biden is now using our troops to facilitate the downfall of our homeland security, rather than securing our borders,” Green said. . is solely following the announcement.

As of January 20, 2021, the number of Border Patrol agents has not changed and the budget set by CBP has remained the same. What changed was the elimination of key policies that promoted law and order and ensured the security of the American homeland,” he continued.

β€œDon’t be fooled, Secretary Mayorkas and President Biden deliberately and deliberately created this historic crisis. It’s amazing how much effort they put into preventing the previous government’s successful border security policies from being implemented.”

There is a rapidly forming migrant caravan in Mexico, with some estimating as many as 35,000 asylum seekers waiting to cross into the US interior after May 11.

The number of migrants apprehended at the border in March rose 25 percent from the previous month to 162,000.

New data from April shows there were 210,000 illegal encounters with migrants. The total for fiscal year 2023 so far stands at 1.4 million.

The government has said it is preparing to meet nearly 400,000 migrants each month after Title 42 ends, a huge number that will make it difficult for border patrols to contain the surge inland.

Border agents say they have intercepted more than 73,000 illegal immigrants in the past 10 days alone.