Now you can’t even say ‘responsible drinking’! WHO claims phrase ‘shames’ drunken thugs

The World Health Organization is under fire for claiming that the phrase “responsible drinking” stigmatizes drunks.

The wording ignores the “inherent risks” of binge drinking and falsely blames bad behavior on individuals who overindulge, de quango adds.

This creates a “sense of embarrassment” for those who don’t control their intake, when they are really victims of alcohol’s low price and ready availability, it warns.

Critics last night accused the WHO of trying to erase the concept of ‘free will and personal responsibility’ so it could impose ‘nanny-state restrictions’.

They said the guide to writing about alcohol is “riddled with factual errors and scare tactics” — and stressed that some of the authors have ties to the temperance movement, which promotes total abstinence.

The wording ignores the “inherent risks” of binge drinking and falsely blames bad behavior on individuals who overindulge, de quango adds

The document says that the ‘risk to health starts from the first drop of an alcoholic drink’ and that it is therefore ‘not possible to consume safely – no matter how responsibly the drinker behaves’.

However, some studies have found possible links between moderate consumption and health benefits – a point recognized by the UK’s own alcohol guidelines.

The controversial WHO guide says: ‘Across the population, any level of alcohol consumption, regardless of the amount, is associated with a greater risk of loss of healthy life.

The vague notion of ‘responsible drinking’ actively promoted by alcohol producers and marketers does not dictate when to stop drinking or suggest the option not to drink.

‘However, it gives the false impression that the alcohol industry is part of the solution to the harm caused by drinking rather than a driver of the problem.

Moreover, the moralizing tone implicit in messages about “responsible drinking” ignores the inherent risks of consuming alcohol, mischaracterizing its harmful consequences as the result of a small minority of individual drinkers failing to control their intake. to have.

“It can also perpetuate stigmatizing attitudes, where individual drinkers are falsely blamed for any health or social problems related to alcohol use, creating a sense of shame that deters them and their family members from seeking help when they need it.” to have.’

The UK’s top medical officers, including Professor Sir Chris Whitty, say that to keep alcohol’s health risks to a ‘low level’ it’s safest to regularly drink no more than 14 units a week.

This is the equivalent of about six pints of beer or six medium glasses of wine.

They warn that the risk of developing a range of health problems increases “the more you drink regularly,” but they acknowledge that there may be “net benefits from small amounts of alcohol.”

The WHO guide includes a glossary that says: ‘Drinking responsibly (Stigma alert!) – Drinking alcohol in moderation; drinking that does not result in misconduct and health-related or other harm to the drinker or others.

The term is not more concretely defined and is favored by the interests of the alcohol industry.

However, it points to consumer behavior rather than its product as the source of any harm.

“It puts the blame for alcohol problems entirely on individual drinkers rather than more prominent environmental factors such as advertising, pricing or availability.”

Christopher Snowdon, head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs, said: There is a growing tendency among nanny activists to erase the concept of free will and personal responsibility.

‘We see this not only with alcohol, but also with food and gambling.

“Their goal is to put all the blame on the people who sell products rather than on the people who misuse products.

“This gives them the excuse for endless restrictions on individual freedom masquerading as controls on industry.”

He added: ‘It is unbelievable that the WHO is commissioning temperance activists to write reports on alcohol.

“This report is full of factual errors and scare tactics, which the authors presumably hope journalists will repeat.

It explicitly recommends total abstinence from alcohol and insists on a draconian nanny state policy.

“Member states should tell the WHO to stay on track, to distance itself from fanatical pressure groups and to concentrate on its day-to-day work.”

A WHO spokesman said: ‘Less alcohol is more health. Alcohol is carcinogenic and its consumption does not protect against disease.

“In recent years, science has shown that even a small amount of alcohol consumption harms individuals and their families, placing an unnecessary burden on society.”


A screening tool commonly used by medical professionals is the AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Tests). The 10-question test, developed in conjunction with the World Health Organization, is considered the gold standard for helping determine whether someone is abusing alcohol.

The test is reproduced here with permission from the WHO.

To complete it, answer each question and record the corresponding score.

1674144052 204 Britains alcohol drinking guidelines should be slashed to TWO bottles

1674144066 198 Britains alcohol drinking guidelines should be slashed to TWO bottles


0-7: You are within the limits of sensible drinking and have a low risk of alcohol-related problems.

More than 8: Indicate harmful or dangerous drinking.

8-15: Medium risk level. If you drink at your current level, you risk having problems with your health and life in general, such as work and relationships. Consider cutting down (see below for tips).

16-19: Higher risk of complications from alcohol. Cutting back on your own can be difficult at this level as you may be dependent, so you may need professional help from your GP and/or a counselor.

20 and older: Possible dependency. Your drinking is already causing problems and you could very well be dependent. You should definitely consider stopping gradually or at least drinking less. You should seek professional help to determine your dependency and the safest way to stop drinking.

Severe dependence may require medically assisted weaning or detox in a hospital or specialist clinic. This is due to the potential for severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms in the first 48 hours that require specialist treatment.