Jimmy Butler limps to the free throw line after rolling his ankle but he makes both shots in MIA win

Jimmy Butler limps to the free throw line after twisting his ankle, but he lands both shots as he shines (again!) in Miami Heat’s playoff victory over the Knicks

Jimmy Butler rolled and writhed in pain on the floor at Madison Square Garden, but that didn’t stop him from getting up and knocking over two crucial free throws.

As the Knicks charged behind a desperate home crowd, Butler stumbled to the line with the Heat leading 95-92 with 5:05 left.

The six-time All-Star hit both attempts from the line to extend Miami’s lead to 97-95.

Butler remained a virtual statue for the remaining minutes of the No. 8 seed’s eventual 108–101 victory in New York.

Joking postgame, Butler hit an air ball after playing through the restrictive injury admirably.

With more than five minutes left in the game, Butler rolled his ankle trying to shoot

Despite writhing in pain, the All-Star got back to the ground to knock down both free throws

Despite writhing in pain, the All-Star got back to the ground to knock down both free throws

Kyle Lowry played for MIA from the bench and took over as Butler became a peripheral figure

Kyle Lowry played for MIA from the bench and took over as Butler became a peripheral figure

When asked what the injury felt like after the game, “Jimmy Buckets” kept his answer simplistic yet completely relatable.

“How does it feel?” ESPN’s Cassidy Hubbarth asked, to which Butler replied “like a rolled ankle.”

Find a way to win. Be out there, be present. I didn’t do much except airball a three, but I’ll take the dub,” Butler said after the injury.

Kyle Lowry stood up for the Heat when Butler was hampered by the ankle. The former Raptor had 18 points, five rebounds, six assists – and an incredible four blocks.

‘He’s a winner. He is our leader, whether he starts or comes off the bench. He’s a champion and he’s done a great job for us all year,” said Butler.

“He’s one of the engines helping us go, and we’re going to ride that wave.”