Only Fools And Horses star Patrick Murray says cancer has returned

Only Fools And Horses star Patrick Murray has said his cancer has returned and spread, just three months after claiming ‘liver surgery saved his life’.

The actor, best known for playing Mickey Pearce in the sitcom, has said the cancer has come back and spread to his legs and pelvis.

Patrick, 66, previously battled lung cancer and was awarded the all-clear last year.

In an online post, he said: ‘Despite all the great efforts of the medical and nursing teams at Medway, Guys and Kings College hospitals, the lung cancer has returned.

“A few months ago I thought I had a painful strain in my groin, unfortunately it turned out to be the cancer that was in my pelvis and bones. It has also entered my lymphatic system.

Sad news: Only Fools And Horses star Patrick Murray, 66, has said his cancer has returned and spread, just three months after claiming ‘liver surgery saved his life’ – but he is hopeful that chemo will put him under months of treatment can hold even years’ (pictured in February 2019)

Tough time: Patrick, known for his role as Mickey Pearce, successfully battled lung cancer and then liver cancer.  but the lung cancer has returned (pictured on the show, 2001)

Tough time: Patrick, known for his role as Mickey Pearce, successfully battled lung cancer and then liver cancer. but the lung cancer has returned (pictured on the show, 2001)

1682340439 170 Only Fools And Horses star Patrick Murray says cancer has

'I'm feeling positive': Patrick shared this lengthy message on Twitter on Monday as he opened up about his latest diagnosis

‘I’m feeling positive’: Patrick shared this lengthy message on Twitter on Monday as he opened up about his latest diagnosis

He continued, “What about the good news? I had radiologic treatment last week and my oncologist is pretty confident this will stop the leg pain and I will be back on my feet.

‘Another plus is my advisor. He is confident that the chemo will keep things under control for months and even years.

“His optimism comes not from kindness that I know he has in abundance, but from advances in cancer medicine. The genetic molecular tests are super-precise and the choice of drugs can be made with much more confidence.

“I feel positive with the great support of my good wife.”

In January, Patrick revealed that his recent surgery saved his life, as doctors removed half of his liver after discovering a malignant growth.

Hope: In January, Patrick revealed that his recent surgery saved his life as doctors removed half of his liver after discovering a malignant tumor

Hope: In January, Patrick revealed that his recent surgery saved his life as doctors removed half of his liver after discovering a malignant tumor

He is battling cancer for the second time and has expressed his “eternal gratitude” to his surgeon, Professor Nigel Heaton.

He has said he had hoped to be cancer-free at his next scan, adding that he would “like” to reprise his role as Mickey Pearce in the 1980s comedy for one last time.

Patrick’s second bout of cancer came nearly a year after beating lung cancer.

He told earlier The sun: ‘I had the same surgeon as George Best, Professor Nigel Heaton, and he was very happy with the result because the tumor was not in a good place. So I am eternally grateful to him.

“Amazingly, the liver grows back within four weeks – I couldn’t believe it when he told me.”

Patrick announced in January 2022 that he had been diagnosed with lung cancer after doctors discovered a malignant tumor.

Five months later, he told fans he was “cured,” writing, “Thanks again for all your lovely messages. As you may know, I was diagnosed with lung cancer last July.

“After surgery in October to remove the tumor, I received chemotherapy to prevent the cancer from coming back.

‘During this chemo, another tumor was discovered in my liver. Fortunately for me, this cancer was separate from the lung cancer and was also treatable.

“I had a procedure called TACE to deal with this. Last Friday I saw my oncologist. She told me that the lung cancer was cured and that the tumor in my liver was shrinking.’

Health Update: He shared the surgery news on Twitter at the beginning of the year, while keeping fans updated

Health Update: He shared the surgery news on Twitter at the beginning of the year, while keeping fans updated

Cautiously he added: ‘It’s not over yet, but as you can imagine I’m over the moon with this latest news.

Patrick is best known for his role in Only Fools And Horses, which he said this week he hoped to reprise one last time.

Speaking of a reboot, he told The Sun: ‘I would love it. Getting back together and with all the cast and seeing how all the characters have developed. Mickey will probably have a little Mickey walking around.

The series’ writer, John Sullivan, passes away in 2011, but Patrick is confident a reboot could still work, adding: “If the quality of the script was there, I think the others would be ready too.” would be for.”

Back?  Of a reboot, he said, “I would love it.  Getting back together and with all the cast and seeing how all the characters have developed.  Mickey will probably have a little Mickey walking around'

Back? Of a reboot, he said, “I would love it. Getting back together and with all the cast and seeing how all the characters have developed. Mickey will probably have a little Mickey walking around’