People reveal the ‘pretentious’ modern words that drive them mad

An irked parent has sparked a debate about “pretentious” modern words that drive people crazy — including “curating” and “sourcing.”

Go to UK parenting site Mumsnetthe commeter explained how they were confused by the often overly complicated sentences that simple words have replaced.

Many users shared parental annoyance at the issue and provided their own examples of “w***y language.”

In a post titled Sick of w**** language?!’, the original poster wrote: ‘Late shift so can’t sleep and this is bothering me.

“Lots of examples I’m sure, but the two that are p****** to me right now are “curating” and “sourcing”. When did “buy new clothes” become “build a fresh wardrobe”? I don’t curate, I’m not a curator.

People share the most ‘pretentious’ modern words others use that drive them crazy on UK parenting forum Mumsnet (stock image)

‘I need clothes, I buy clothes, I wear clothes. The end of. Clothes don’t go out either, they go out of fashion, but if that’s the case, you’re buying the wrong clothes, timeless classics never go out of style. You don’t need “fresh” clothes.

When did ‘going to the big shop’ become ‘buying ingredients’? Has anyone ever said “I’m going to Tesco to buy our ingredients”? Did they f***!

“If I’m making stew or salad or lasagna or… dog sex on toast (an option I’ve occasionally offered the kids when they p****** me about dinner options), I’ll go shopping and buy what i need.

“I don’t “source” beef and veggies, or lettuce, or bloody pasta. I admit the dog poop may need more in the way of sourcing.

“You need stuff. You buy stuff. Why the need for bulls*** language to make this boring life task an “experience”…actually that’s another one, I haven’t “experienced” a restaurant or a stately home or anything, I’ve visited it .

“Now I can’t sleep because venting has made me even angrier,” the post’s author admitted.

Plenty of people agreed with the person, with one user writing, “I agree with you on all this w**** language. Or should I say ‘this appeals to me’.’

Another said: ‘Words and expressions are becoming fashionable and you are starting to see/hear them everywhere. “Reaching out” rather than just reaching out is something else.

The anonymous person took to UK-based parenting site Mumsnet and explained how they were confused by the often overly complicated sentences that have replaced simple words

The anonymous person took to UK-based parenting site Mumsnet and explained how they were confused by the often overly complicated sentences that have replaced simple words

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1681993085 580 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993262 182 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

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1681993345 528 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993369 397 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993404 607 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993429 294 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993444 900 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993458 437 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

1681993475 119 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

Response: Many users shared parental annoyance at the issue and provided their own examples of

Response: Many users shared parental annoyance at the issue and provided their own examples of “w**** language”

“I doubt it will ever be registered with many, but no one ever mentioned a ‘newborn’. It was almost always a new baby – or maybe a newborn.

“I’m quite old, so every time I see ‘newborn’ I wonder what the hell was ever wrong with ‘new baby’.

As for curating, I’ve seen it on a big sign at John Lewis, who really should know better, but maybe he doesn’t, after ‘gifting’ signs all over the shop around Christmas.’

A third explained, “Every time I buy a new book on Kindle, it tells me it’s ‘Update My Kindle Store Experience.’ What? I just want to read it.’

A fourth admitted, “I hate that everything is a journey… My weight loss journey, my pregnancy journey, my breastfeeding journey… No, no, it’s just a thing you do. Stop being aw*****.”

1681993504 600 People reveal the pretentious modern words that drive them mad

However, some admitted that they don't know anyone who uses the language, with one person saying, 'But who talks like that?  I just wouldn't be friends with people who talk like that.  And if they're randoms online or on social media, just unfollow them.”

However, some admitted that they don’t know anyone who uses the language, with one person saying, ‘But who talks like that? I just wouldn’t be friends with people who talk like that. And if they’re randoms online or on social media, just unfollow them.”

“I hate ‘reaching out’ with a passion,” another insisted. “I heard this said to my face and I wanted to shout, ‘No! You don’t have to ‘reach’, do you? You’re standing there.” Another one I’ve just come across everywhere is “speaks to.”

One person agreed, “Oh yeah, I can’t stand chaplain. It makes everything so w**** and pretentious. Curator of a museum exhibition = appropriate. Put together a Spotify playlist = ridiculous.’

However, some admitted that they don’t know anyone who uses the language, with one person saying, ‘But who talks like that? I just wouldn’t be friends with people who talk like that. And if they’re randoms online or on social media, just unfollow them.”

Another added: “You spend too much time online and/or listen to or read “influencers”. The only person I know in real life who uses the term “curating” is an actual curator who runs an art gallery.