Bizarre moment JJ Vallow’s grandfather announces his birthday outside Lori Vallow’s murder trial

Bizarre moment JJ ​​Vallow’s grandfather gleefully announces it’s his 76th birthday as he arrives at cult mother Lori’s murder trial – after sobbing yesterday when the court was shown horrifying images of her dead children

The grandfather of the slain JJ Vallow gleefully revealed it was his 76th birthday as he greeted reporters after arriving at court for the third day of Lori Vallow’s disturbing murder trial.

Larry Woodcock appeared more cheerful on Wednesday morning after sobbing yesterday when poignant footage of JJ, who was adopted by Vallow, and his sister’s decomposed remains were shown to the jury.

He told reporters outside the Fremont County Courthouse in Idaho he was “looking forward” to getting back in court.

“We thank you all for your coverage,” he said. “We’ll be here all day today, and we’ll be here tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, next week, and the week after that.”

The grandfather added that the hearing had fallen on his 76th birthday before he once again gleefully thanked the media and entered the courtroom to watch Vallow’s murder trial.

Larry Woodcock, right, told reporters he was “looking forward” to entering the courthouse two days after his wife Kay, left, gave blockbuster testimony

The 76-year-old’s comments came two days after his wife Kay Woodhouse testified that she found disturbing Amazon searches on Charles Vallow’s Amazon account months after his death.

Vallow had used the Amazon account to buy wedding attire and a ring for her wedding to doomsday prepper Chad Daybell, the lawsuit heard on the first day.

The searches, which included “beach wedding dress,” a bathing suit, a malachite ring and men’s clothing, came just days before they allegedly orchestrated the murder of Daybell’s wife and the mother of his five children, Tammy.

Vallow and Daybell allegedly killed two of her children, Joshua Jackson “JJ” Vallow, seven, and Tylee Ryan, 16, after claiming they were “dark” and “possessed.”

The couple got married in Hawaii less than two weeks after Tammy died — in a ceremony featuring the malachite ring and other items mentioned in the Amazon searches.

Kay Woodcock, pictured in a courtroom sketch, told the court Monday that she found disturbing Amazon searches on Vallow's late husband's account

Kay Woodcock, pictured in a courtroom sketch, told the court Monday that she found disturbing Amazon searches on Vallow’s late husband’s account

Lori Vallow, 49

Chad Daybell, 54

Lori Vallow, 49, should have been on trial with her husband Chad Daybell, 54, but their cases were separated earlier this month

Woodcock gained access to the Amazon account after using a password her brother shared with her before he died to log into his email account. She also took possession of some of his electrical appliances after his death.

Woodcock said she discovered the searches one morning in November 2019 after waking up at 4:30 a.m. through “divine intervention” and using her brother’s electronic devices when she realized she had access to his accounts.

She also got emotional when she was shown a picture of JJ giving her testimony.

She said that after Charles Vallow’s death, Lori Vallow “wanted nothing more to do with him.” When Woodcock’s contact with JJ ceased in August 2019, she hired a private investigator to try and track down her grandson.

He was later reported missing and the remains of JJ and Tylee were found in June 2020 in a shallow grave in Daybell’s backyard.

Woodcock also revealed in her poignant testimony that Vallow was once a “loving mother” to JJ and Tylee. She remembered Vallow as a “doll” who was “very involved” in caring for her children for several years before allegedly killing them.