Resident Evil 4 Chapter 16: Luis’s Laboratory to Underground Passage

resident evil 4‘s 16th and final chapter finally gets Leon and Ashley off the island after she saves Leon at the end of chapter 15.

Us Resident Evil 4 remake Chapter 16 walkthrough ensures that you don’t miss any item from the beginning of the chapter through Luis’ laboratorythe (destroyed) sanctuary, Load docksthe Osmund Saddler boss fightAnd Underground passage.

Escape the island // Luis’ lab

After Ashley saves Leon’s life, you begin Luis’ laboratory.

When you regain control, turn right. Grab the first aid sprayand smash the coffin for some rifle ammunition. Grab the Methods for eradicating Las Plagas And Group photo files from the table on the right. Go right for another crate with resources (S) And pesetas and grab the Saddlemakers Animus file from the table.

Go clockwise to the computer for the The Amber file and the computer opposite for it Emails file.

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Push through the doors. Once you go outside, look up at the ceiling for a treasure lantern.

The treasure inside will fall on the catwalk, so we have to catch it soon. There’s nothing else to pick up, so push Ashley onto the crates on the left so she can kick a ladder towards you.

Resident Evil 4 remake map from Luis' Laboratory to the last Merchant room with a marked path and items.

Image: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: Capcom via Polygon

Climb up and take the velvet blue you just shot. Follow the hallway to the left for a crate of gunpowder. Go to the door on the right and take it rifle ammunition And resources (S). Smash the barrels at the front door pesetas And gunpowder.

Go through the door.


Resident Evil 4 remake using the Biosensor Scope to find novistadors in the ruined Sanctuary

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

That door leads you back to a balcony overlooking the Sanctuary. Stand at the railing in front of you and use the Biosensor Scope to check for any camouflaged novistators. Turn right and drop at the end of the ledges. Keep following the path.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon approaches the altar in the collapsed shrine

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Turn left at the first intersection and duck under the fallen pillar. Keep going until you get to the altar. Take the right Illuminados last chapter traffic jam, then go to the monolith behind the altar to get the Illumination pendant. Loop back and read the inscription for the Origin monolith file.

Return to the intersection and cross to the other side. Climb the ledges at the end of the path. Look for it just before the doors gunpowder on the railing on your left.

Through the doors, follow the tunnel a bit more. If you jump over the low wall, two novistadors will be waiting for you.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon is approaching the last Merchant room.

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

At the end of the hallway, opposite the merchant’s room, open the treasure chest for a Gold bar.

Trader (for the last time)

In the merchant’s room, take the gunpowder from the planks on the right and smash the two crates pesetas And resources (S).

To sell Louis’s keythe Illumination pendantand the Gold bar. This is your last visit to the merchant, so feel free to sell gems for the extra money if you don’t play through again. However, if you plan to come back for more, keep them – your entire inventory will carry over to the new game.

If you haven’t already, buy the Bulletproof vests – it’s just extra health for the upcoming boss fight.

Buy tune-ups and save. It’s time to finish this.

Loading Docks // Osmund Saddler (boss fight)

Go out and to the left. Stop at the binoculars to spot Ada. Enter the elevator on the left. After the cutscene (which brings the lifesaving count to three for Ada and one for Leon), you’ll have to face off against the mutant Osmund Saddlemaker.

Thankfully (and ickily), he’s covered in glowing, yellow eyeball weaknesses.

How to beat Resident Evil 4 Remake final boss

The fight against Saddler is equal parts easy (shoots the various eyeballs) and tedious (he moves a lot, hits hard, and summons a swarm of novistadors).

Resident Evil 4 remake map of the Loading Docks boss battle arena with highlighted items.

Image: Jeffrey Parkin | Sources: Capcom via Polygon

The level of the Loading Docks where you start is actually a straight corridor, so your maneuverability will be limited. However, you can run under him (like in the El Gigante battles).

We’ll go down to the lower level in a bit so that there’s more room to move (run away), but stay up here for now – there are several barrels and crates and items to grab. Once you’re pretty sure you’ve got everything (while also shooting Saddler), head north from the platform. The lower level is a large, inverted U-shape that gives you a lot more options for running away. However, Saddler will occasionally jump high and slam into some of the docks, destroying them and removing some of your options.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon approaches a collapsed saddler to stab him in the eye

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Your goal for now is just to hit his eyeballs – destroying two of them will stun him and give you a chance to run over and stab him in his mouth-eyeball (gross).

During the first part of this fight, keep shooting knee eyeballs and stabbing him in the eye whenever you can. There are a few exploding barrels scattered around to give you some help.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon tries to dodge one of Saddler's tail attacks

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Keep the dodge fast. This allows you to dodge Saddler’s (shockingly damaging) tail attacks.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon rears up to prepare for an attack

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Also watch out if Saddler backs up – he’ll attack you right away. Do your best to run and get out of the way when he does.

Resident Evil 4 remake with a gun and scope to shoot Saddler when he jumps to the tower

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

If you deal enough damage, Saddler will jump to a tower in the middle of the harbor and then shout one lot of novistators. If you have the ammo, use a rifle to shoot his eyeballs when he’s up there. He will do this a few times during the fight.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon runs away from Saddler and his swarm of novistadors

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Do your best to keep moving and ignore as many novistadors as possible – when Saddler comes back he’ll kill many as collateral. Try to keep your focus on Saddler.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon runs from Saddler's acid spitting attack

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Saddler has two acid spit moves: a horizontal sweeping attack and a three-part vertical attack. Dive under (or try) the horizontal and avoid the vertical.

After enough eye shots, Saddler falls off the docks and phase two begins. It’s a lot clearer.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon faces Saddler's latest mutation

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

There is now only one giant, glowing weak point and you only have a few steps in any direction. Switch to your strongest weapon (we used the stingray with the reticle down) and start unloading into it.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon avoids a tentacle attack during the final stages of the Saddler fight

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Two spiky tentacles will pop up in front of you. If the tentacle stays straight up and down, it will slam down one of the sides (whichever side it’s on) – you just need to dodge it. If the tentacle rotates a bit, it will sweep horizontally across the tent and it should dodge It.

Resident Evil 4 remakes the special rocket launcher Leon gets from Ada at the end of the battle

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Once you deal enough damage, Ada will return to the rocket launcher (special). Fire it into the weak point to end the fight.

Escape from the island // Underground passage

When the battle is over you get another cutscene and then the countdown to the exploding island begins.

When the elevator stops, you have a path in front of you. There are no turns, so we just summon the items as you pass. Just a few steps inside, there is one green herb on your left – just before the last typewriter.

After the bend to the left, the path begins to crumble. Just beyond that, the tunnel opens up a bit. Ignore the man who storms through the door in front of you and step inside – and ignore the rest of the squirming soldiers there too.

Resident Evil 4 remake Underground Passage Clockwork Castellan 16 of 16 location

Clockwork Castellan 16 of 16 location.
Image: Capcom via Polygoon

Just past the truck is a green forklift on the right. Turn around and look at it to find the last Clockwork Castellan 16 of 16 on the crates just to the left. You get the Revolution Excitement achievement or trophy if you’ve achieved all 16 – and you can get the Ancient knife from the Extra Content Shop of the main menu (the exclusive upgrade makes it indestructible).

Go through the door and around the next corner where you have to push a metal box for a painfully long time.

Around the next corner you will come to the watercraft that Ada gave you Watercraft Key for.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon and Ashley ride the water scooter through a tunnel to escape the island

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

The next part is Leon and Ashley’s water stunt spectacle, where you speed through collapsing tunnels very quickly. There’s not much subtlety here – accelerate with R2 on the straights and let go on the twisty bits.

Resident Evil 4 remake Leon and Ashley floating on a watercraft after escaping the island

Image: Capcom via Polygoon

At the end, Leon and Ashley (literally) ride off into the sunset. And then there’s a post-credits scene and a post-credits scene.

And that’s a wrap on the Resident Evil 4 redo. Be sure to check out the rest of ours too Resident Evil 4 recreate guides for requests, files, treasures or Clockwork Castellans you missed.