Is your man gaining weight and having trouble sleeping? It could be a sign of the MANopause?

Female menopause and its symptoms have been widely documented, including night sweats, hot flashes, memory fog and low energy.

But now an expert has revealed that men can also experience a change midway through their lives – saying that 90 percent of men will go through a ‘menopause’ phase.

Dr. Harghandiwal, of the Zen Clinic in Knightsbridge, told FEMAIL that he typically treats men over 40 who experience hormonal changes, driven by a gradual decline in the sex hormone testosterone.

An estimated 10-25 percent have testosterone levels that are considered low.

Symptoms of this male menopause — or manopause — range from an increase in stress to feeling drained in the bedroom.

An expert has revealed that men can also go through a change midway through their lives – saying 90 percent of men will go through a ‘menopause’ phase (stock image)

Dr. Harghandiwal said: ‘They are tired, depressed, have no focus, their libido drops, they have erection problems.

“I tell the patient that 90 percent of us go through male menopause, which is testosterone deficiency, whether we like it or not.”

He says the decrease in testosterone in men is strongly linked to other factors, including obesity, stress, medication use and chronic illness.

Without these additional factors, most men will maintain the same level of testosterone throughout their lives.

So do you know how to tell if your man is suffering from manopause? Here Dr. Harghandiwal the seven different symptoms…

1. Mood swings and irritability

It is a common belief that too much testosterone can make men angry. But in fact, too little testosterone can also cause mood swings and irritability.

Speak against Daily healthEdward Levitan, co-founder of Visions HealthCare in Wellesley, said: ‘Low testosterone is a major source of mental health problems in men.

“Cells in the brain have testosterone receptors that significantly influence mental health.”

He added that men with low testosterone can experience fatigue and often have mood swings.

2. Depression

While experts aren’t sure why testosterone has a strong link to mental health, they’re sure it does.

Several scientific studies have shown the connection between low testosterone, stress and depression.

A study of more than 600 older Dutch men found a significant link between low testosterone levels and depression.

Similarly, a study in Iran of more than 800 older men showed that higher testosterone levels were found in men who had the least amount of depression.

However, scientists also point out that other problems associated with a decrease in testosterone, such as erectile dysfunction and weight gain, can also cause low self-esteem, which can lead to anxiety and depression.

3. Loss of muscle mass and decreased ability to exercise

According to Healthline, TEstosterone is one of many factors involved in the development of muscle mass and strength.

The hormone increases neurotransmitters, which stimulate tissue growth and make it easier to build muscle through exercise.

And it’s also important in bone density, telling the bone marrow to make red blood cells.

Men with very low testosterone levels are more likely to have lower bone density, which can cause bone fractures and bone fractures.

But experts also point out that a lack of testosterone can cause a man to have little energy and therefore not move.

4. Developing a Big Belly or “Man Boobs”

Testosterone also plays a role in fat metabolism and helps men burn fat more efficiently.

Falling levels of testosterone can cause an increase in body fat and can also turn muscle into fat.

As testosterone drops and muscle mass decreases, so does a man’s metabolism.

And aaccording to the mayo clinic, this can cause a domino effect, paving the way for weight gain and stubborn fat that won’t budge even with the best efforts to eat right and exercise.

5. A general lack of enthusiasm or energy

Testosterone plays a role in certain behaviors, including aggression and dominance.

It also helps fuel competitiveness and boost self-esteem. Higher testosterone facilitates power-motivated individuals to pursue dominance.

In contrast, low testosterone levels can affect a man’s motivation for many reasons, includingbecause the overall system just doesn’t function right.

Lower testosterone is known to affect levels of enthusiasm or confidence.

6. Difficulty sleeping (insomnia) or increased tiredness

According to Baptist HealthThere is also a strong link between sleep deprivation and testosterone production.

As part of our natural circadian rhythm, testosterone levels rise during sleep. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause a significant decrease in testosterone production.

Low testosterone also makes insomnia worse.

Researchers have found that as testosterone levels drop, levels of cortisol — the body’s primary stress hormone — increase.

Since one of cortisol’s main functions is to increase alertness, this can result in shorter sleep cycles and more shallow sleep.

7. Poor concentration and short-term memory

As testosterone levels decline, neurotransmitters begin to malfunction, which can cause temporary memory glitches.

Cognitive functions such as remembering, thinking, and reasoning can all decrease.

Lower testosterone levels are known to reduce a man’s ability to concentrate and can cause a lack of energy.

Studies have shown that testosterone treatment can improve cognitive functioning, especially memory, in older men.

Research has also shown that people with low testosterone levels are more prone to dementia later in life than people with average testosterone levels.

How to treat low testosterone levels

Testosterone levels can be measured by blood tests at a doctor’s office.

If levels are low, there is some evidence that therapeutic doses of testosterone — in injection or gel form — may be beneficial.

A 2009 study found that restoring the hormone to proper levels improved sexual function in middle-aged men.

It also improved cognitive function in older men.

However, experts say a healthy lifestyle is key to avoiding a dip in levels.

Regular exercise builds muscle strength and improves your aerobic capacity.

A healthy diet and stress management can also help reduce symptoms.