Vets reveal all the ways you may be stressing out your dog without realizing it 

Everyone wants their dog to be as happy as possible; however, a number of vets recently revealed that there are plenty of things owners do that can stress their dogs out without even realizing it.

From staring at them to hugging them too tightly, there are so many subtle interactions that may seem loving to you, but in reality are likely to make your pup uncomfortable.

A group of animal experts discussed all the ways we can bring discomfort to our beloved pets to Well-informed personand it was certainly a revelation.

While it may seem like showering your canine with love is a positive thing, vets caution against giving dogs too much attention.

A series of vets recently revealed that there are a lot of things owners do that can stress their dogs out without even realizing it (stock image)

In addition, they highlighted the negative impact that wearing sunglasses or hats around their dog could have on them, as well as playing loud music, dressing him in clothes and changing his diet.

These are all things that you may not have realized that are likely to make your dog uncomfortable.

Dress your dog with clothes

While some owners love to dress their dogs up in cute outfits, veterinarian Jessica Kirk cautioned against it.

Others like to dress their dogs to keep them warm or protected from the weather, but she said it often makes them more uncomfortable than it helps.

“Many dogs don’t like to wear clothing as it can feel unnatural or restrictive for them,” she explained. “Even items like snow jackets and booties can make them uncomfortable.”

In particular, he said you should always avoid clothing that would pinch their tails, prevent them from going to the bathroom, or have the potential to overheat them.

While some owners love dressing their dogs up in cute outfits, veterinarian Jessica Kirk explained that it might make them feel

While some owners love dressing their dogs up in cute outfits, veterinarian Jessica Kirk explained that it could make them feel “constrained” and “uncomfortable” (file image)

Wearing sunglasses or hats around your pet

Veterinarian Gerardo Pérez-Camargo said that putting on things like sunglasses or hats can also stress your pup (file image)

Veterinarian Gerardo Pérez-Camargo said that putting on things like sunglasses or hats can also stress your pup (file image)

Plus, the things you wear can also make your dog uncomfortable, according to Gerardo Pérez-Camargo, Freshpet’s vice president of research and development.

She explained to Insider that putting on things like sunglasses or hats can cause your pup to become stressed, since animals “rely on seeing people’s eyes to understand what they’re going to do and what they’re focusing their attention on.”

“Covering your face can make a dog unsure of what’s going on,” he added.

If you decide to wear sunglasses or hats around your pet, she suggested giving it lots of praise to reassure it that all is well.

move furniture in your house

According to veterinarian Mary Gardner, making major changes to her living space can make a dog unhappy.

In particular, he explained that moving furniture around will likely confuse them, so he suggested only relocating one thing at a time.

Dogs use their memory and smell to move around the house. Usually they have built a map of space in their heads,” he said.

“Moving furniture can cause them anxiety because they don’t know where things are.

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Looking at them for long periods of time.

While it’s natural to want to look at your beloved pet a lot, another animal doctor, named Sara Ochoa, told the outlet that you should avoid making too much eye contact with them.

She said that looking at your dog for long periods of time is not a good idea because she might think she “did something wrong.”

Dogs do not like to be constantly watched. Even if you look at them because they’re acting cute, chances are your dog thinks he’s doing something wrong,” he revealed.

While it's natural to want to look at your beloved pet a lot, another animal doctor, named Sara Ochoa, said you should avoid making too much eye contact with them (file image)

While it’s natural to want to look at your beloved pet a lot, another animal doctor, named Sara Ochoa, said you should avoid making too much eye contact with them (file image)

Hug your dog too tight

Everyone loves to give their pup a good hug, however, Sara said another thing that could stress them out is when an owner hugs them too tightly.

Dogs like to snuggle, but they don’t like to be hugged too tightly. Feeling like they can’t break free can be stressful for them,” he explained.

When cuddling her dog, she suggested giving her a bit of leeway to avoid any negative feelings.

Petting your puppy unexpectedly

Another drawback when it comes to touching your dog is unexpected petting.

Mary explained that canines, especially ones that are losing their sight or hearing, can become startled if you start rubbing them without warning.

“Even the sweetest dog can snap when unexpectedly petted,” she added.

Play music loud

It’s no surprise that loud sounds like fireworks can disturb animals, but did you know that playing loud music can also scare your dog?

“Loud noises can be very unpleasant for dogs’ sensitive ears, making many of them stressed and uncomfortable,” Jessica said.

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He suggested not playing your songs too loud while driving if your pet is in the car, and making sure your dog has a quiet place to go during a house party.

Giving them new kinds of food.

Like some humans, dogs don’t necessarily like to try new things, so changing their diet could stress them out.

Also, changing the type of food you give them without getting used to it can upset their stomachs and cause a reaction like itchy skin, so Jessica said to be careful with that.

“A dog with an upset stomach or itchy skin from a diet change is definitely going to be stressed from the inside out,” he added.

“Changing foods or treats should be done gradually over a long period of time.

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Like some humans, dogs don't necessarily like to try new things, so if you change their diet it could stress them out (stock image)

Like some humans, dogs don’t necessarily like to try new things, so if you change their diet it could stress them out (stock image)

smoking near them

Another thing that can negatively affect your dog’s mentality is smoking too close to him.

Gerardo noted that dogs have a “very keen sense of smell,” so even if the smoke seems subtle to you, it can really affect them.

“What for us can be a soft smell becomes a much stronger and unpleasant sensation for them,” he said.

Prolonged exposure to cigarette smoke can have many effects on the health of dogs and humans, such as respiratory problems or even cancer.

Take your dog on a trip

It’s hard to be apart from your dog for long periods of time, and while the idea of ​​taking your pet on a trip seems nice at first, it can actually result in a great deal of stress for them.

“For many dogs, traveling is stressful,” Jessica warned. ‘They have to deal with new smells, new sights and new surroundings. Just because you’re there with them doesn’t mean your dog isn’t worried.

If you decide to take your canine with you, she suggested packing a load of his favorite toys and anything else that might make him more comfortable.