Law school grad says he was forced to undergo PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION after questioning COVID policy

A Georgetown University law school graduate says he was forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation for questioning the school’s COVID-19 policies in 2021.

William Spruance, who is now a practicing lawyer, said he was suspended by school administrators and forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation after questioning the law school’s mask-wearing and COVID-19 policies.

During an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson, Spruance said he had been encouraged to speak before a student council-like group before it was determined he needed a medical evaluation.

He claims he was asked questions like ‘do you get mad at masks?’ and ‘do masks make you want to hurt someone?’

Williams Spruance (left) talks with Fox News host Tucker Carlson (right) about his experience questioning COVID-19 restrictions at his law school and being subject to psychiatric evaluation as a result.

“Then, after I was encouraged to give a speech to a student council type group in Georgetown, I received an email saying that I had been indefinitely suspended from school, would have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation, and resign my license.” right to medical confidentiality,’ she told the host Monday night.

‘During the psychiatric evaluation… I would start with innocuous questions like: “Do you ever get angry?” followed by “do you get mad at the masks?” and then, “do masks make you want to hurt someone?”

“So it was a continuous cycle of questions designed to make me seem unhinged for being willing to question their COVID policies.”

The Fox News host seemed surprised and asked Spruance if any of the law school professors were willing to engage him in a “rational” conversation about the university’s masking policy.

Spruance said: ‘I found that individual teachers were willing to have the conversation with me behind closed doors, but wished to remain anonymous. As for the administrators, there was no such luck.

The law school alumnus argued that “while this was ostensibly about COVID, it was actually part of a much larger cycle of events at Georgetown Law.”

“We had people like Sandra Sellers and Ilya Shapiro get kicked out of the institution just for being willing to challenge campus orthodoxies.”

Sellers, an expert in high-tech and intellectual property disputes, was fired in March 2021 after being caught in a recorded conversation with a fellow professor lamenting the academic performance of her black students.

‘It happens almost every semester, and it’s like, oh, come on. You know, we have some really good ones, but there are also some that are just plain at the bottom,” Sellers said in a 43-second clip.

Ilya Shapiro, a tenured law professor and legal scholar at Georgetown University, resigned after being suspended last February following a tweet he wrote about the president’s pick for the Supreme Court.

Shapiro’s full tweet from last January read: ‘Factually the best pick for Biden is Sri Srinivasan who is solid progress and very smart. He even has the benefit of identity politics of being the first Asian (Indian) American. But alas, he doesn’t fit into the ultimate hierarchy of intersectionality, so we’ll get a lesser black woman. Thank heaven for small favors?

Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.

Georgetown Law Dean William Treanor (pictured) has overseen the institution's response to a series of controversial events in recent years, most of which end badly for the incumbents of controversial posts.

Georgetown Law Dean William Treanor (pictured) has overseen the institution’s response to a series of controversial events in recent years, most of which end badly for the incumbents of controversial posts.

In both cases, it was Georgetown’s dean of law, Willian Treanor, who oversaw the investigations and the ultimate fallout from each scholar’s alleged misdeeds.

Spruance called the three incidents “part of an ongoing double standard where if you’re progressive and you regurgitate the right catchphrases, then there’s built-in compensation for yelling at speakers.”

“If you are willing to question the orthodoxy of the campus, then they will bring the entire horde of administrators against you and work to destroy you professionally, socially and reputationally,” he said.

The lawyer concluded that his alleged experiences with Georgetown Law School have not left him optimistic about the future of the institution or its graduates.

“I think, in the long run, it’s hard to be optimistic about future mediocre judges and administrators and bureaucrats because Georgetown Law is really just an incubator for a mediocre ruling class of tomorrow,” he said.

‘I came out of this process relatively unscathed. I mean, it was a difficult week in my life. But moving forward, people have been reaching out to me since my article about similar stories was published, and they’re going through much worse than me.