Man who kept his dead mother mummified on his sofa for 13 years was known locally as ‘Vampire’

A grieving son who kept his dead mother’s mummified corpse on his couch “in perfect condition” for 13 years was known locally as “Vampire” and would talk to her while they watched TV.

The 76-year-old man, known only as Marian L., dug up his mother’s grave in the small town of Radlin, in southwestern Poland, took her body to his house and laid her on the couch in front of his TV.

For over a decade, Marian L. would sit and talk to his mother’s mummified corpse and even attempt to feed her while they watched TV together.

Local residents said they knew very little about the retiree and described him as a loner who avoided human contact. They even called him the “vampire” because many did not know his name.

His mother’s mummified corpse was eventually found after the 76-year-old’s estranged brother-in-law decided to visit him at home.

Marian L excavated his mother’s grave in the small town of Radlin, in southwestern Poland. Pictured: A general view of the area in Radlin

The brother-in-law saw Marian L. wandering “crazy” outside the house and decided to call paramedics.

When they entered the premises, they found the mummified corpse lying on a couch atop a stack of newspapers from 2009.

Before Marian L. was led away from his home, he told the paramedics that he had to say goodbye to his mother, reports fact news outlet.

Police spokeswoman Małgorzata Koniarska said: “We have received a report related to the unveiling of the body of a relative of the owner of the apartment.

“The policemen went to Ul. Rogozina in Radlin. A mummified corpse was found in the part of the house that belonged to an elderly man.’

Joanna Smorczewska of the district prosecutor’s office said: “According to the DNA content, the mummified corpse is that of a woman, Jadwiga L., who died in January 2010, and thus the mother of Marian L..

‘It has been established that the grave of Jadwiga L., where she was buried on January 16, 2010, remains empty.

‘It is likely that the man exhumed the mother’s body immediately after the burial and then mummified it. The body has been in this house since 2010.’

It is believed that Marian L., who lives only 300 meters from the cemetery, brought the corpse home on his bicycle.

Prosecutor Marcin Felsztyński added: “Everything indicates that the man must have used chemicals to mummify the corpse.

“The smell of mothballs was noticeable.”

Either way, the body was apparently in “perfect condition.” His mother will be reburied.

Local residents said they know very little about Marian L. One of them told local media: ‘Weird, I’ve lived here for so many years, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him.

The cemetery where his mother was buried is 300 meters from his home in Radlin

The cemetery where his mother was buried is 300 meters from his home in Radlin

“Everyone knows each other, but nothing is known about him, only that he treated night as day.

“He went out at night, got on his bike and went somewhere. And so it seems all my life.

“My husband is from here, he said when they were kids they were afraid of him. When it was late and they saw him going out, riding that bike, they would run and hide.”

Another said: ‘I didn’t sleep for a week when I found out. It’s so horrific, how is that possible?

“He never worked anywhere. He walked around the dumpsters, collecting things that had been thrown out.”

Another said, “He used to leave the house at night, grab his bike and go into the unknown.”

Prosecutor spokeswoman Joanna Smorczewska said: “Marian L. has been charged with desecrating a corpse.

“However, at this time, due to his health condition, as he has been in hospital for more than a month, he will be examined by expert psychiatrists who will give an opinion on his state of mind.”

Although the initial discovery was made in February, the news has only come out after the suspect has been charged with desecrating a corpse.