The best Diablo 4 Necromancer builds
The Necromancer, like the Sorcerer, is one of the most formidable classes in the world Diablo 4. Not only is it capable of casting spells or inflicting debilitating debuffs on enemies, it can also summon a small army of skeletons armed to the teeth. This is arguably one of the easiest classes to play effectively, as you largely rely on your skeletons to do your bidding for you.
However, if you’re looking for a more active style of play, you can choose to forego using these minions, and instead use the blood and corpses of your enemies against them in destructive ways. Capable of dealing serious single-target and area-of-effect damage, the Necromancer is extremely versatile. All that’s missing is a clear escape, which you’ll need to keep in mind when creating your own builds.
The Diablo 4 beta limits characters at level 25, which limits how many skill points you can receive initially. You can earn skill points by increasing your notoriety by tracking down dozens of Lilith’s Altars in the Fractured Peaks region, among other things. Here are the best Necromancer skills to get into Diablo 4.
Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Build – Skeleton Army:
- Bone Splinters → Enhanced Bone Splinters → Initiates Bone Splinters
- Blood Lance → Enhanced Blood Lance → Psychic Blood Lance
- Skeletal Warrior Mastery 3/3
- Skeletal Warriors – Reaper: Reapers have a 15% chance to cut off enemies’ flesh to form a corpse
- Iron Maiden → Improved Iron Maiden → Gruesome Iron Maiden
- Boost damage 3/3
- Skeletal Mage Mastery 3/3
- Skeletal Mages – Bone: Reduce the health cost of your Bone Mages’ attack from 15% to 10%. After being alive for 5 seconds, Bone Mages deal 40% more damage.
- Serration → Compound fracture → Evulsion
- Army of the dead
Best Diablo 4 Necromancer Build – Solo:
- Bone Splinters → Enhanced Bone Splinters → Initiates Bone Splinters
- Blood Lance → Enhanced Blood Lance → Psychic Blood Lance
- Blood Blast → Enhanced Blood Blast → Psychic Blood Blast
- Skeletal Warriors – Skirmishers: Your critical attack is increased by 5%, but you can no longer level up Skeletal Warriors
- Corpse Explosion → Enhanced Corpse Explosion → Blighted Corpse Explosion
- Iron Maiden → Improved Iron Maiden → Loathsome Iron Maiden
- Decrepify → Improved decrepify
- Boost damage 3/3
- Skeletal Mages – Bone Mages: Your Overpower damage is increased by 30%, but you can no longer increase Skeletal Mages.
- Reaper’s Pursuit → Gloom
- Army of the dead
How to use the Necromancer in Diablo 4
Skeletons are the bread and butter of any Necromancer build. You want to prioritize investing in Skeleton warrior And Skeleton Mage Mastery . As for basic skills, Bone splinters is great for inflicting enemies with Vulnerable. This gives the enemies 20% more damage from you and your skeletons, an advantage that speaks for itself.
Skeletons also provide you with a buffer against bosses, and depending on how you choose to specialize your skeletons, they can also tank for you against bosses if you choose to go the path alone. There are a total of three different specialized trees to choose from for your Skeletal Warriors and Mages, each with their own benefits. Playing with this will be an integral part of how you choose to tackle World Events – such as the World Boss Ashava the Pestilent – in Sanctuary.
Debuffs are also extremely important to the Necromancer. Using skills such as Iron Maiden to increase the amount of damage they will take from you and your army of the undead is extremely helpful. Combine this skill with Increase damage will make a huge difference when it comes to your total damage output.
As mentioned earlier, Necromancers can choose to go without reliable skeletons. In this case you want to build something similar to a wizard, using debuffs like Reduce and Iron Maiden along with Corpse explosion. In addition, get Improved blood flow will help improve your chances of survival. While the Necromancer can take a beating more than a Wizard, it is not nearly as durable as a Barbarian and has fewer escape options than a Villain.
You can further enhance the power of your abilities through the use of aspects, passive abilities found on gear that you can remove and reapply to better gear. Here’s how that process works.
All Diablo 4 builds: | Wizard | Barbarian | Villain | Druid