Twitch streamer blows through Breath of the Wild with ocarina controller

Less than two weeks ago, Twitch streamer gv_mimi struggled only to aim her weapon correctly to take down a Guardian The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wildthe first shrine. Yesterday she hit Thunderbolt Ganon.

Using an ocarina controller we need to determine. And not the ThinkGeek one from 2017, or. She uses a custom controller that converts the notes she plays into input for the game, with macros set up to perform some of the more complicated commands.

Yes, these modified controllers exist, and there is software to map the notes to controls. Given the long history of using off-the-wall controllers to run fan favorite gamesI thought I would have found someone else who had tried this stuff at least once since then BOTW launched in 2017. As far as I know, gv_mimi is the first to take it on.

Probably for good reason; check out this clip of her first shrine. I gave up piano lessons after less punishment than this!

With that frustration fresh in your mind, you hum a few bars of this throwdown, which gv_mimi posted on Wednesday.

I can’t read music or identify notes, but I love that lilting pip-pip-pip-pip as gv_mimi pulls off a mighty combo. And then the flutter sequence where she brings out Magnesis to get the job done! Followed by disbelief to actually do the job: “We did it! Oh my God! We did it!”

gv_mimi is currently working on fighting a Lynel. There’s more tweeting and honking here than in Elon Musk’s bathroom. Tune in if you can, or watch her exploits later. She hopes to beat Breath of the Wild by the time Tears of the Kingdom starts on May 12.