Airplane etiquette rules: Pilot reveals 11 insider tips

The airplane etiquette debate continues, but a commercial pilot wants to set the record straight once and for all.

Speaking anonymously to, the flight expert, who has been piloting for 10 years and currently works for one of the world’s biggest airlines, addresses some of the most debated issues among passengers.

From giving up seats to other passengers to the most appropriate flight shoes and how to pack luggage in an overhead locker, the frequent flyer offers his verdict on a variety of hot topics.

Take a flight to see how you can modify your inflight habits for a smoother, less stressful journey.

Sit with your feet down and your arms in front of you.

A veteran commercial pilot says that passengers should respect the people around them and sit upright with their feet on the ground and their arms in front of their bodies (file image)

The seat is designed for a solo seating style. This means feet on the ground, not in the air and resting on the seat in front of you, and your arms in front of your body. The seat is designed to keep you safe in the worst turbulence and in the unlikely event of an incident. If you cannot get the seat belt across your lap, you are sitting incorrectly.

ALWAYS wear footwear around the plane

The main cabin floor is vacuumed but not mopped. People vomit on these materials daily, so it’s a good idea to wear shoes. For more comfort, you can put on slippers or flip-flops. Always wear shoes when going to the bathroom as the liquid on the floor is most likely not water. Treat it like you’re in a hostel, and dirty at that.

If the crew is on break, they will always have at least flip flops or disposable slippers to walk around the aircraft.

Visit the kitchen instead of ringing the bell

Just stop being lazy, get up from your seat and go to the galley to request items from the cabin crew. This will benefit both parties. If you ring the bell and order something from your seat, chances are someone around you will also make a request. This means that your order will take longer.

The first time, it is always better to go to the kitchen. The crew may tell you to press the call bell next time to avoid crowding that area, but at least then you’ll know and have established a rapport.

If you already paid for your seat, DO NOT give it up

In the age of the Internet, this is difficult. Most people who are organized and know where they want to sit choose their seats weeks or months before a flight. If people want to make sure they sit together, they should pay the extra money to make that happen instead of waiting for others to move.

Passengers should never ask to change aisle seats to middle seats, as that is just ridiculous. My best advice is to stock up on chocolate at duty free shops to sweeten the deals if necessary.

'Always wear shoes when going to the bathroom, as the liquid on the floor is most likely not water,' says flight expert (file image)

‘Always wear shoes when going to the bathroom, as the liquid on the floor is most likely not water,’ says flight expert (file image)

When it comes to touchscreen TVs, the pilot says 'you should use as little force as possible'

When it comes to touchscreen TVs, the pilot says ‘you should use as little force as possible’

Request a special meal as soon as you board if you haven’t pre-ordered

If you’re looking for a special meal that you haven’t ordered, be sure to ask the crew right away once you’re airborne. Just go to the kitchen and explain your situation and they will usually be able to help you. They often do extra vegetarian meals so there should always be some left over.

If you’ll be traveling long distances and have dietary needs, it’s worth stocking up on treats at the airport. If you ask nicely the crew will be more than willing to keep your food in the fridge and heat it up!

Store bags in the overhead compartments, with the wheels facing out the window.

Overhead bins are tough in the age of low-cost flights, as no one wants to check their bags in and pay the premium. If you can, store your bag in the overhead compartment with the wheels facing the window, this will make the most of the space and you can usually fit two or three weekend bags this way.

If you are one of the last to board the plane, find places to store your bag immediately. This is because 95 percent of the time there will be no room near your seat. Just because there’s an overhead bin above your seat doesn’t mean it’s reserved for you. It is by order of arrival.

Use as little force as possible with touch screen TVs

When it comes to touchscreen TVs, you want to use as little force as possible. The last thing you want to do is break your screen and have no entertainment for the rest of your flight. If the person in front of you can feel you pressing on the screen, you’re pressing too hard! As soon as you get a disgruntled look from the person in front of you, calm down your tapping.

If you can, the flight professional says it's best to store your bag in the overhead compartment with the wheels facing the window, as it will maximize space.

If you can, the flight professional says it’s best to store your bag in the overhead compartment with the wheels facing the window, as that will maximize the space.

1678022355 459 Airplane etiquette rules Pilot reveals 11 insider tips

“If you’re looking for a special meal that you haven’t ordered, be sure to ask the crew right away once you’re airborne,” says the pilot.

DO NOT get up as soon as the plane lands

Just wait your turn when the plane lands. If you’re in a hurry, a minute or two won’t help. Rushing through the airport will. Be patient and kind. If you disembark row by row in an orderly fashion, the plane empties much faster.

Use a neck pillow to avoid leaning on others

Invest in a neck pillow. This will keep you in your personal space as much as possible. Also try to sleep with your limbs under a blanket, as this will prevent them from moving around too much. If you’re sleeping in an aisle seat, give the poor soul in the middle seat the armrest because they’re already short on space.

Cabin crew really appreciate good manners.

‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ go a long way in this case. The crew often deal with hundreds of rude passengers. Be the one with manners and ask them how their day is going. You’ll be surprised at the extra gifts that come with manners or light conversation.

Pre-download kids’ TV shows and reserve front row seats for babies

The first few rows of booths have bassinets, so if you have a baby try to reserve these seats even if you have to pay a premium, it’s worth it! For toddlers and young children, please bring your car seats on board. The child is used to sitting on this, and it will be more comfortable for him to sleep.

Tablets and smartphones with pre-downloads of their favorite shows are perfect for keeping little ones entertained. The crew is always willing to help as long as you use your manners. Most cabin crew will be happy to entertain your child for hours as it helps make their shift go faster too!