MEGHAN MCCAIN: Men are in crisis, but our second gentleman is giving them lessons in toxic masculinity


Vice President Kamala Harris’ husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, is on a mission!

Well, I know what you’re thinking.

First up: ‘Who is Doug Emhoff?’ And secondly: ‘Who cares!’ But listen to it.

Doug has an urgent message for all the super aggressive men out there. He says: you better relax, relax, grow a man bun.

Here he is in a new interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Carehart:

‘Can we talk about masculinity for a moment?’ Capehart asks. ‘Has being a second knight changed your view of perceived gender roles and what it means to be a man?’

‘Ugh,’ Emhoff replied, his eyes wide. ‘This is something I’ve thought about a lot, talked about a lot. There’s too much toxicity, male toxicity out there.

Sorry, what the hell are you talking about?

Doug Emhoff, who prior to his historic service as our first second gentleman, was a high-ranking attorney, once representing pharmaceutical giant Merck, major corporations including Walmart and Comcast, and an arms dealer, who sold AK -47 around the world.

And now, he wants America to know that he is 100% totally, completely, absolutely great living in his wife’s shadow.

“Oof,” Emhoff (above right) replied, his eyes wide. ‘This is something I’ve thought about a lot, talked about a lot. There’s too much toxicity, male toxicity out there.

Doug has an urgent message for all the super aggressive men out there.  He says you better relax, relax, grow a man bun.

Doug has an urgent message for all the super aggressive men out there. He says: you better relax, relax, grow a man bun.

“I’m going to continue to use this platform anytime I speak out against this toxic masculinity out there,” he said.

Uhh… maybe we’re overcompensating a bit?

“It shouldn’t even be a big deal that it’s a man in the future,” he told CNN in October.

Guess what, Doug. It is not a big thing’. The only person who talks about your role as second knight… is you!

Regardless, he is on a crusade to combat ‘toxic masculinity’.

So what does that mean? Well nothing really.

In all his nonsense, Emhoff fails to define ‘toxic masculinity’ or explain why he considers it to be among our country’s most pressing problems.

To be clear, this vague mission is an indictment against the cowboy, the astronaut, the man in the arena. It casts suspicion on alpha behavior and traditional gender roles. Qualities that healthy societies embrace, like the masculine stoicism and resolute sense of purpose that America once recognized as honorable, are now ‘toxic.’

It’s all typical awakening nonsense about our evil male dominated society, microaggressions and male spreading and male explanation.

I could point to any man in entertainment, from Rip in Yellowstone to Maximus in Gladiator and Sergeant Horvath in Saving Private Ryan: traditional masculinity, service, and a willingness to defend your family and country are all denigrated by the left. US.

Listen, we can have a conversation about what makes a man a man, but look around you.

America’s men are in a real crisis. We don’t need to invent one.

Now more than ever in modern America, the nation needs men who will step up, not back down.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that more than 7 million men, ages 25 to 54, will leave the workforce in 2022. According to the BLS, they spend nearly seven hours a day doing leisure activities like watching TV or playing video games.

At a time when corporate America is desperate for workers, this is an obvious red warning sign.

Pew Research found that about six in 10 young men reported being single by 2022. A number that continues to rise, as America’s birth rates continue to fall.

In 2020, Indiana University researchers said that nearly one in three men ages 18 to 24 reported that they had not been sexually active in the past year.

The National Safety Council revealed that by 2021, seven out of ten victims of preventable opioid deaths in the United States are men.

But by all means, Doug, shame men for their ‘toxic masculinity’, like they don’t have enough to worry about already.

Jokes aside, it’s outrageous.

There was a literally toxic train wreck in East Palestine, Ohio.

Emhoff, Harris and President Joe Biden have yet to visit the city, which is full of desperate men, women and children, falling ill, fearing for their futures and begging the federal government for help, but he is talking about ‘toxic masculinity’ . ‘?

Wow, if you thought Kamala was an out of touch liberal elitist, meet Doug.

This wealthy lawyer with controversial clients, who lives in the Vice President’s residence on the grounds of the US Naval Observatory, is telling the men how ‘toxic’ they are.

There was a literally toxic train accident in East Palestine, Ohio, but is he talking about 'toxic masculinity'?

There was a literally toxic train accident in East Palestine, Ohio, but is he talking about ‘toxic masculinity’?

Of course, he’s comfortable stepping back, challenging ‘traditional’ gender roles and allowing his wife to plunge into the spotlight. That’s easy to say if you’re a man with nothing to do but chase imaginary crises.

But what about everyone else?

Emhoff is not alone in his obsession. Democrats and the liberal media have focused on ‘toxic masculinity’ for years. These deaf, virtue-pointing liberal critics are always on the hunt for cultural monsters to kill.

But it would be wiser for all of us to focus on why so many men feel uninspired, lonely, unable to raise families, stressed by a COVID hangover, and lost without community or purpose.

Emhoff would make better use of his time by examining why so many men turn to drugs to fill gaps in their lives.

I would suggest that many men feel undermined and isolated by a culture that claims to have no place for them, even when it needs them more than ever.

Instead, Emhoff builds this straw man of an overly aggressive man, who should seek to empower women to better themselves.

What rubbish!

It’s okay to encourage men to support women, particularly in a family unit, but it’s also critical to support men in traditional gender roles that have gone out of style among many in liberal circles.

Can we stop demonizing men in general?

Enough of this absurdity.

America needs its men and what they bring to the world is not toxic.

Is essential.