Career coach reveals the five things you SHOULD lie about during a job interview


A career coach has revealed the five things you should lie about during a job interview to help you land your dream job.

anna papaliaBased in the US, she first went viral after sharing tips with her more than 134,000 followers.

Most recently, in a viral TikTok, which has amassed more than 1.6 million views, he suggested that job seekers lie about certain topics.

He advised viewers to embellish their responses to questions about his ‘hobbies’ and even his previous position in order to win over potential employers.

“These are the five things you can and should lie about in the interview process,” Anna said before diving in.

Career coach Anna Papalia has revealed the five things you should lie about during a job interview to help you land the job.

He advised viewers to make up their answers to questions about his 'hobbies' and even his previous position in order to win over potential employers.

He advised viewers to make up their answers to questions about his ‘hobbies’ and even his previous position in order to win over potential employers.

Starting at the bottom, the professional trainer advised her followers to lie about where they will be five years from now.

Starting at the bottom, the professional trainer advised her followers to lie about where they will be five years from now.

Get the position of your dreams! The five lies to tell in job interviews

  • Fib on where you’ll be in five years
  • Lying about why you are looking for a job
  • Make up how you feel about your current boss and coworkers
  • Come up with more professional-sounding hobbies.
  • Beautify your previous job description and title

Starting from the bottom of her list, the professional trainer advised her followers to lie about where they will be in five years.

“Number five, lie about how you see yourself five years from now,” he said before explaining what interviewers don’t want to hear.

“No one wants to hear you say you see yourself in grad school or getting married and having babies.

“What we want to hear from you is ‘I see myself here in this organization,'” the labor expert said.

Coming to number four, Anna told viewers not to tell the truth when asked “why” they are looking for a job.

He explained that no potential employer wants to hear you complain about the inconvenience you have at your other job.

The career counselor said it might scare off interviewers if he complains about the “culture” of his current job.

Lie about why you are watching. We don’t want to hear that you’re looking because you hate your current company culture, no, no, no.

“Say something like, ‘I’ve outgrown my position and am looking for a new challenge,’ Anna suggested.

Lying about your feelings towards your boss and coworkers ranks third.

Coming to number four, Anna told viewers not to tell the truth when asked

Coming to number four, Anna told viewers not to tell the truth when asked “why” they are looking for a job.

The third lie helps job seekers build a better relationship with their potential boss early on.

The third lie helps job seekers build a better relationship with their potential boss early on.

The third lie helps job seekers build a better relationship with their potential boss early on.

The career coach explained that job seekers should aim to sound more professional during their interviews, which starts with choosing better hobbies.

The career coach explained that job seekers should aim to sound more professional during their interviews, which starts with choosing better hobbies.

His third lie was similar to the fourth lie in that he pushes for better connections.

The third lie helps job seekers form a better relationship with their potential boss early on.

“Lie about how you feel about your current boss and current coworkers,” he said.

‘I don’t care if you work for the worst boss in the world.

“We don’t want to hear you talk about that in an interview, especially if you’re being interviewed by someone who could be your future boss.”

His next recommendation to his followers was to lie about his hobbies.

The career coach explained that job seekers should aim to sound more professional during their interviews, which starts with choosing better hobbies.

Coming in at number one, Anna told viewers to embellish details about their current or past roles.

Coming in at number one, Anna told viewers to embellish details about their current or past roles.

She explained that it's okay to lie about your title, especially if you were doing a job for which you weren't receiving compensation.

She explained that it’s okay to lie about your title, especially if you were doing a job for which you weren’t receiving compensation.

Lie about your hobbies. Choose hobbies that sound professional and interesting.

“Don’t tell me all you do outside of work is watch Netflix.”

Anna explained that recruiters don’t want to hear you say you go home and do nothing after work because it sounds boring and makes you look lazy.

Coming in at number one, Anna told viewers to embellish details about their current or past roles.

He said it was okay to lie about your title, especially if you were doing a job for which you weren’t receiving compensation.

“Number one, you can lie about your job description and your job title,” Anna said.

“You can pretty it up a bit, especially if you’ve been working beyond your job description and haven’t been paid for it.”

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1675980397 125 Career coach reveals the five things you SHOULD lie about

1675980398 841 Career coach reveals the five things you SHOULD lie about

Viewers flooded his comments section and thanked him for his advice, claiming that

Viewers flooded his comments section and thanked him for his advice, claiming that they would “buy” all of his videos to prepare for his next interview.

Viewers flooded his comments section and thanked him for his advice, stating that they would “buy” all of his videos to prepare for his next interview.

“I have an interview next week for my first adult job so I’ll be watching all your videos,” one person commented.

“Great advice, totally agree,” said another person.

One user wrote: ‘Tell them what they want to hear.’

‘So true,’ someone else added.