Sanders blasts Biden for getting old and waking up in GOP rebuttal


Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders characterized President Joe Biden as too old and too welcoming to the “woke” and “crazy” segments of the Democratic Party, in the Republican rebuttal to Tuesday night’s State of the Union address .

‘At 40, I am the youngest governor in the country. At 80 years old, he is the oldest president in American history,” said the former Trump White House press secretary. I am the first woman to lead my state. He is the first man to hand over his presidency to an awakened mob who can’t even tell you what a woman is.

Addressing the country from Little Rock, Sanders leaned heavily on culture war themes, including that Biden is part of the “radical left,” which teaches kids to “hate each other because of their race.”

“Whether Joe Biden believes in this madness or is simply too weak to resist it, his administration has been completely hijacked by the radical left,” he stated. ‘The dividing line in the United States is no longer between right and left. The choice is between normal or crazy.

Sanders, who was sworn in last month, highlighted his own cultural struggle since taking office, banning the use of the term “LatinX,” which does not specify a gender, and signing an executive order banning the teaching of “Critical Career.” Theory’, which conservatives say they reject because it demonizes all whites.

Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders characterized President Joe Biden as too old and too welcoming to the “woke” and “crazy” segments of the Democratic Party, in the Republican rebuttal to Tuesday night’s State of the Union address .

Sanders was given one of the toughest jobs in politics: delivering a speech in response to a State of the Union address to which he would not have advance access, since he would be responding to what a president of the opposing party said.

Sanders was given one of the toughest jobs in politics: delivering a speech in response to a State of the Union address to which he would not have advance access, since he would be responding to what a president of the opposing party said.

Sanders also noted how he removed the remaining COVID mandates.

“Americans want common sense from their leaders, but in Washington, the Biden administration is redoubling on madness,” he said.

Sanders also blamed Biden for the border crisis and singled out last week’s Chinese spy balloon fiasco, which ended Saturday when the contraption was hit by a missile off the coast of South Carolina.

Republicans were irritated that the president allowed the balloon to fly over most of the continental US, while Biden said he had ordered the balloon shot down almost immediately, but was advised by military officials to wait until was not on the ground.

Sanders called the “refusal to defend China,” a major adversary, “dangerous and unacceptable.”

“President Biden is unwilling to defend our border, defend our skies, and defend our people. He is not fit to serve as commander in chief,” he said.

“And as you reap the consequences of its failures, the Biden administration seems more interested in waking fantasies than the harsh reality Americans face every day,” he continued. “Most Americans just want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a culture war from the left that we didn’t start and never wanted to fight.”

“Every day, we are told to participate in their rituals, salute their flags and worship their false idols,” he added. ‘All the time big government he colludes with Big Tech to strip himself of the most American thing there is: his freedom of expression.

She said it wasn’t normal.

“It’s crazy and it’s wrong,” Sanders said.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is pictured delivering the Republican rebuttal to Tuesday night's State of the Union address.  She leaned into culture war themes, while she blasted Biden over the border crisis and last week's Chinese balloon fiasco.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders is pictured delivering the Republican rebuttal to Tuesday night’s State of the Union address. She leaned into culture war themes, while she blasted Biden over the border crisis and last week’s Chinese balloon fiasco.

He peppered anecdotes throughout his 14-minute speech, considered one of the most difficult to deliver in politics, as those tasked with crafting a State of the Union response never see what the opposing party’s president plans to say in advance.

Sanders opened up about how she and her mother are cancer survivors, and that her mother’s cancer had left her potentially unable to have children.

“The daughter that you were told you would never have has just been sworn in as the new governor of Arkansas and she will speak to you tonight,” Sanders said.

While Sanders spoke about the need for a “new generation of Republican leadership,” he also spoke fondly of his time in the service of former President Donald Trump.

He concluded his speech by talking about his secret Christmas trip to Iraq in 2018.

“They had no idea that the president and the first lady were about to walk into that room,” he recalled of the service members. And when they did, it was a sight, a scene, and a sound I hope I never forget.

The room exploded. Men and women of every race, religion and region, every political party, every demographic group you can imagine began chanting in unison over and over again, “America, America, America,” he said. “It was a perfect image of what makes our country great.”