The truth about playful MAFS girlfriend Melissa Sheppard is revealed

Married At First Sight sexologist Alessandra Rampolla reveals why playful girlfriend Melissa Sheppard is so ‘sexually enthusiastic’ on the show

Married At First Sight’s girlfriend, Melissa Sheppard, has wowed viewers this season with her sexually charged personality.

And now, the show’s relationship expert and sexologist, Alessandra Rampolla, has shared some thoughts on her free-spirited approach to dating compared to her more reserved “husband” Josh White.

“For Melissa, there’s a lot of empowerment behind her being sexually comfortable and being very sexually enthusiastic,” Alessandra said on the show. MAFS Podcast.

Sexologist and Married At First Sight relationship expert Alessandra Rampolla has weighed in on the sexual dynamic between Melissa Sheppard and Josh White (pictured together

“And I think she comes from the mindset that many of course will be super happy to have such an enthusiastic woman,” he continued.

“And yet right now we’re seeing Josh coming from a place where he’s a little more timid. His personality doesn’t want to go there, and at this point in his life he’s thinking that he prioritizes other things.’

Melissa and Josh butted heads on their honeymoon after Josh lied to the producers about the couple’s consummation of their marriage.

1675822462 683 The truth about playful MAFS girlfriend Melissa Sheppard is revealed

“For Melissa, there’s a lot of empowerment behind her sexual comfort and sexual zest,” Alessandra said on the official MAFS podcast.

The businessman told the producers that they had simply kissed, when in fact they had slept together.

When Melissa found out, she was distraught and confronted Josh, sharing her fear that he might not be interested in her if he couldn’t be open about his sex life.

‘You can say you’ve fucked me and we’ve had sex, that’s fine!’ she screamed.

1675822466 682 The truth about playful MAFS girlfriend Melissa Sheppard is revealed

“I think she comes from the mindset that many of course will be super happy to have such an enthusiastic woman,” Alessandra said of Melissa.

“I would never put it like that, but yeah, I get what you’re saying,” she said sheepishly.

“You’re so conservative about it,” he complained.

Speaking to the producers later, an emotional Josh finally admitted that he and Melissa had “been intimate.”

“I would never talk about those things in real life,” he said. “I have conservative Christian parents, so I didn’t really feel the need to shout it from the rooftops.”

“We're seeing Josh come from a place where he's a little more timid.  His personality doesn't want to go there, and at this point in his life he's thinking that he prioritizes other things,' he said.

“We’re seeing Josh come from a place where he’s a little more timid. His personality doesn’t want to go there, and at this point in his life he’s thinking that he prioritizes other things,’ he said.