Father died from ‘broken heart’ three weeks before his daughter after her terminal cancer diagnosis


A flight attendant has died of terminal cancer three weeks after her “heartbroken” father died suddenly at work after a heart attack.

Angela Courtney, 47, had been preparing to spend Christmas with her father Tony, 70, before his death on December 14.

The TUI flight attendant, the mother of a six-year-old boy, died of pancreatic cancer just three weeks later, on January 3.

A joint funeral for the father and daughter was held last week near their home in Huyton, Liverpool.

TUI flight attendant Angela Courtney died of terminal cancer just three weeks after her father Tony.

Angela pictured with her father Tony, an electrician who died suddenly on the job just before Christmas.

Angela pictured with her father Tony, an electrician who died suddenly on the job just before Christmas.

The family has revealed that they believe Tony, who was an electrician, died of a broken heart after learning of his daughter’s cancer diagnosis.

Writing on Facebook, Angela’s brother and Ton’s son, Anthony Courtney, said earlier this month: “I don’t post much on Facebook, but I think I need to tell the world what they’ve lost in the last 20 days.”

“We lost my dad in December to a broken heart. Contemplating losing a daughter, we lost a dear sister yesterday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

“Losing my father and Angela in such a short time has left a huge void in my life and in the lives of the entire family that can never be filled.

“I take a lot of strength from the love and positivity that you both shared with so many people during your brief time on this planet and the legacy you both left behind and the knowledge that you are together again on a fantastic journey.”

Daughter Beverley also told the liverpool echo: ‘We think he died of a broken heart because he just couldn’t watch her die.

“We like to take the consolation that he died before her because he couldn’t take it anymore.”

Describing her sister, she added: ‘Angela was honestly one of the most kind-hearted people, she was just a beautiful soul. No one could say a bad word about her.

“She was kind, friendly, funny, and just lived for her family.”

Angela was diagnosed with stage three pancreatic cancer in January 2021 after doctors initially believed she suffered from a hernia.

Angela was described by her family as 'one of the kindest people' and 'just a beautiful soul'

Angela was described by her family as ‘one of the kindest people’ and ‘just a beautiful soul’

The family has now made a plaque for the couple, so relatives can visit and reminisce about fond memories together.

The family has now made a plaque for the couple, so relatives can visit and reminisce about fond memories together.

However, continued complaints of abdominal pain and weight loss led to the discovery that she actually had cancer.

He underwent chemotherapy, before the family received the heartbreaking news that the disease was terminal.

Angela spent her last three months at the Marie Curie Hospice in Woolton Village, before dying surrounded by family on January 3.

Beverley said: ‘Everyone who went to see Angela, and all the staff at the hospice, they were all saying how dignified she was.

‘She was just amazing. She never complained and just kept going.

She described the moment when she had to inform her sister of her father’s death.

It has been really horrible. I am the youngest of four children, I have two brothers and Angela, we have a big family and we all need to be there for my mother,’ she said.

“When dad died, everyone was focused on Angela because I had to go and tell Angela at the hospice and that was horrible. She was heartbroken.

She was crying saying “all I wanted was a nice Christmas”. It was very, very sad.

Meanwhile, Tony, a father of four, was described as a “workaholic” who “loved his job and was so funny, so direct.”

Beverley continued: “He was one of those guys who would always do you a favour. He was a hard working father and grandfather.

The family has now made a plaque for the couple, so relatives can visit them and remember fond memories.