Couple forced to sit in stranger’s vomit on Jetstar flight home from Bali


Young couple forced to sit in pool of stranger’s vomit on Jetstar flight home from Bali: ‘They said there was nowhere for us to move’

  • A Melbourne couple was forced to fly with vomit around their seats
  • James McNeill and Ciara Scott took the Jetstar flight this month
  • They were ‘disgusted’ after the ordeal after a holiday in Bali.

A young couple returning from vacation were forced to sit with a stranger’s vomit splattered under their seats during a stomach-churning six-hour flight.

James McNeill and his girlfriend Ciara Scott boarded the Jetstar flight from Bali back to Melbourne this month, when they were forced to endure the stench of the “disgusting” disaster.

The couple claimed airline staff told them “there was nowhere for us to move to” before they were given wipes to clean it up themselves.

James McNeill and his girlfriend, Ciara Scott, claimed airline staff told them “there was nowhere for us to move to” before they were given wipes to clean up the stinky vomit.

Both travelers said the ordeal led to them feeling sick for

Both travelers said the ordeal led to them feeling sick for “a couple of days” afterward.

Ms Scott told Daily Mail Australia that the couple asked Jetstar for a refund of the $1,800 they spent on tickets after the ordeal.

‘Jetstar has contacted us [on Thursday] and we are in the process of making a decision on what compensation to offer us within 24 hours,” he said.

McNeill said the first thing he and his girlfriend noticed when they approached the booth seats was a putrid odor.

“We got on the plane and got to our seats to find a smell, the people in line in front of us knew it too,” Mr McNeill said. herald sun.

“As we were going to sit in our seats, my partner noticed vomit on the cabin wall and on my tray as well as hers. We look down and notice a lot of vomit on the carpet under the seats.

‘[Airline staff] he said there was nowhere for us to move to…it was disappointing and disgusting.’

The couple claimed that airline staff told them that

The couple claimed airline staff told them “there was nowhere for us to move” before they were given wipes to clean it up themselves (file image)

The couple were given wipes to clean up the mess themselves, which they said they refused at first, insisting that a cleaner come and take care of it.

But after one came and left, the seats still had some residue on them, so the couple opted to clean up the rest of the vomit, asking the staff for more wipes.

Both travelers said that despite their great Bali vacation, the sickening experience at the cottage led them to feel ill for “a couple of days” afterward.

McNeil asked why Jetstar allowed the flight to go ahead despite hygiene requirements airlines have been enforcing.

Sent a complaint to the company but received no response for several days until they sent them a ‘generic’ response apologizing for the messy seating and offering a $50 voucher.

A Jetstar spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia that the airline

A Jetstar spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia that the airline was “truly sorry about the disappointing experience.”

He described the airline’s response as “pretty average.”

The traveler said that he and his partner were lucky to be young, as it would have been terrible if it had happened to an elderly passenger.

A Jetstar spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia that the airline was sorry about the incident.

“We are very sorry for the disappointing experience Mr McNeil and his partner had on their recent flight from Bali to Melbourne and we know this situation could have been handled better,” they said.

“We always want our customers to have a comfortable and enjoyable flight with us and as part of our investigation we are speaking with the couple to better understand their experience.”