Trump’s irritating posts on TruthSocial are ‘a sign he thinks he’s going to be IMPECEDED’


Donald Trump’s posts on his social network show “desperation” and indicate that he knows he will be accused of mishandling classified information, a former federal prosecutor has said.

Glenn Kirschner discussed Trump’s recent posts on Truth Social on Sunday, for viewers of his YouTube channel.

In the posts, Trump attacked the investigator investigating his handling of classified information as a “Trump-hating thug,” likening the FBI to the Gestapo and accusing the Justice Department of harassment.

Kirschner, who has 30 years of trial experience and served as an Army prosecutor before joining the DC US Attorney’s Office, said he wasn’t a psychologist but was “pretty good at detecting signs of despair and self-blame.” when I see them.”

Trump’s handling of classified information is currently under investigation by special counsel Jack Smith, and Kirschner said he believes Trump expects to face charges.

“He sounds desperate, he sounds scared, he sounds like he knows accusations are coming and there’s nothing he can do to stop them,” he said.

Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor in DC and in the US Army, scrutinized Donald Trump’s posts on Truth Social on Sunday

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Kirschner pointed to a post on Truth Social on Saturday, in which Trump wrote: ‘How come Biden’s ‘Prosecutor’ is a nice guy, very friendly to Democrats and RINOS alike, close to Christopher Wray, and quite well liked? and known to all? , while my ‘prosecutor’ is a radical left-wing lunatic who HATES Trump, whose wife and family get a perfect ’10’ for spewing HATE Trump, and whose ‘friends’ are the most evil, angry and disgusting Marxists and communists. in and around the government ?

‘They are GRILLING innocent people in Grand Juries for hours, all to ‘get Trump’. These are sick thugs!

He added: “What Biden did was wrong, but he was assigned a reasonable and stable special counsel who is sane, inclined not to make waves, friendly to RINOS, and is not known as a flame-throwing lunatic or Biden hater.” .

‘What I did was RIGHT, I secured the documents in a safe place, I locked the doors, the guards and Secret Service were everywhere, the security cameras were working.

‘Mar-a-Lago is essentially an armed fort, and it was built that way in the 1920s, with high walls and a structure to serve as the South WH…

‘I was president of the US and was covered and protected by the Presidential Records Act, which is not criminal and allows and encourages talking to the NARA, which we were, very well, even the FBI, which is now known to have been after me for years without pause or question, RAIDING Mar-a-Lago, something stupid and probably illegal. As president, I have the right to declassify documents, Biden does not. Special ‘Attorney’ Jack Smith, however, is a political bully who hates Trump…

‘THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON AGAINST ME FOR YEARS. THE FBI AND THE DEPARTMENT OF INJUSTICE ARE CROOKED, CORRUPT AND BROKEN (just look at the lunatic radical left-wing prosecutor they gave me, but not Desperate Joe, the rigged Twitter files and 2020 presidential election, the Russia hoax, Russia, Russia, and all the rest!). OUR COUNTRY HAS SERIOUS PROBLEMS, WITHOUT BORDERS, WITHOUT VOTER CREDIT, WITHOUT ENERGY INDEPENDENCE. THE GOP PARTY HAS NOT BEEN SMART AND TOUGH, BUT MAYBE THEY ARE NOW. GOOD LUCK AMERICA!!!’

In another post, he added: ‘The Pits cheating case against me must be dropped immediately. I haven’t done anything wrong!’

Trump, seen at Mar-a-Lago before Christmas, expects to be impeached, Kirschner claimed

Trump, seen at Mar-a-Lago before Christmas, expects to be impeached, Kirschner claimed

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Jack Smith has been appointed as special counsel to investigate Trump's handling of classified documents

Jack Smith has been appointed as special counsel to investigate Trump’s handling of classified documents

The tirade continued through Monday, with Trump comparing the FBI to the Gestapo.

‘The FBI (Fake Bureau of Investigation) and the Department of Injustice, along with the Trump Hating Thug, Jack Smith, are interviewing, harassing and subpoenaing people who work for me in connection with BOXES HOAX, and ‘Peacefully and Patriotically’ speech I delivered at the January 6 protest of the rigged and stolen presidential election, where many have been horribly and unconstitutionally treated. This is a Gestapo-like operation! Are they doing this to the Biden people? I do not think!’

Kirschner said her words showed desperation, noting that while she may feel the capital letters make the post “more persuasive,” she showed fear.

“In fact, it really just indicates despair,” Kirschner said.

Kirschner noted that Trump’s own social network, Truth Social, has a much smaller reach than Twitter, from which he was banned after the January 6 riots.

Twitter’s new owner, Elon Musk, has invited Trump back, but the former president insists he stands for his own homemade alternative, even though his posts are only seen by thousands of followers, rather than hundreds of millions.

“In a very real sense, Donald Trump is both figuratively and literally screaming into the void,” Kirschner said.

“I suggest that what we can take from these crazy and desperate posts by Donald Trump is that he knows that impeachment is coming and he knows that he is powerless to stop it.”

Trump’s team dismissed Kirschner’s analysis. “Glenn is a notorious peddler of wild conspiracy theories and dubious legal analysis,” a spokesperson told Newsweek.

They added: “I wouldn’t expect anything more from an MSNBC contributor looking for clout.”