A Comprehensive Guide to Silk Carpet Cleaning

Silk carpets are soft, shiny, silky and fragile. The fabric in itself is a piece of art, and the carpets made of silk threads look magnificent with a class apart aesthetic and charm.

They are expensive and involve a lot of care to stay beautiful for a long time.

The carpet cleaning requirements of silk carpets are intricate as the fabric demands care. With rough handling, it can get permanently damaged.

So a professional carpet cleaner avoids being harsh on them and uses only ecologically safe and non-toxic formulas to clean the fabric.

It is not necessary to mention and quite evident that a silk carpet needs more care than any other carpet. Silk fibre gets ruined with a slight rough treatment.

Let’s discuss how professionals take care of the requirement of silk thread carpets and help in the upkeep for years.

How To Clean Silk Carpet- Guide To Do It

Silk carpets are not easy to clean and demand professional intervention. Let’s see how professionals clean silk carpets and let them have long and beautiful lives to decorate your property for years.

  • Vacuuming It

Begin your silk carpet cleaning by vacuuming the dust and allergens lingering on it due to regular usage. The wonderful and delicate carpet fabric catches dust quickly, and only professional vacuuming can get them off the fibre.

  • Beat It To Remove Dust, Loose Dirt And Debris

A slight, gentle beating of the carpet with a carpet beater while they are hanging can help avoid more sticky dirt particles and debris due to negligence and regular usage. Ensure you beat the carpet with light hands not to ruin the fibre. You can also use silky soft bristle brushes or brooms to sweep off the hard particles deep inside the fabric.

  • Soak The Stains

Be extra cautious while doing this. Soaking the stains to make them quickly fade away is a valuable technique to help get a nice clean carpet. Keep a check on your time with this step. Soaking for more than the required time may backfire and ruin the fibre. So doing it under strict observation is advisable. You may try blotting paper, drying and soaking cloth to soak all the liquid stains that may ruin the carpet’s beauty. You can also use a mild fabric conditioner to absorb the stain and eliminate marks and spots.

  • Use Microfiber Cloth

Remember that silk carpets are fragile. So professionals always use a microfiber cloth to clean the silk carpets. The microfibre fabric does not cause an abrasion while cleaning the silk fabric and keeps the carpet’s fibre intact and well maintained. Never use a rough cloth or hard hand on silk carpets.

  • Use Soft Bristle Brush Or Suction Brush

You can use a soft and fragile bristle brush to clean your silk carpets. These brushes are not harsh on the fibre and do not leave any marks while cleaning it. You can also use suction heads to suck all the debris that may be stuck in the thread. Do not scrub, as it won’t be suitable for the carpet.

  • Be Gentle And Use Eco-friendly Solutions

Be gentle and use eco-friendly solvents like vinegar and baking soda to clean the fabric off the stains. Do not use harsh and strong chemicals as they may leave spots and decolourise the carpets too. They act as natural beaches for the carpet.

  • Deodorise And Sanitise

Vinegar and lime can also be used to deodorise the carpet. They leave a mild fragrance that is fresh and fruity. A nice-smelling carpet attracts more attention. After deodorising it, you can sanitise the carpet to free it from pesky pests, germs and allergens.

You need to have full knowledge of silk carpet cleaning to give your carpets a cleaning experience that can make them shine and sparkle for years. You need to be extra cautious and alert while dealing with silk carpet cleaning needs. It is advisable not to overdo it and preferably call an expert team to look after its clean-up requirement to fulfil them like a pro.

Why Hire A Professional To Clean Silk Carpets?

Hiring a carpet cleaning expert is a wise decision to ensure the long life of your silk carpet. You can hire a trained and dedicated team of professionals with years of experience handling delicate fabrics and silk fibre cleaning requirements.

The professional help can also advise how to keep your silk carpet looking brand new for years. 

They are not a one-time cleaning basis service but are also a guide to help you out whenever you require professional intervention for your carpet cleaning needs.

So hiring a professional is always better to have a foolproof cleaning regime for your delicate and fragile carpets like silk ones.

Next time you wonder what to do for a good-looking and well-kept silk carpet, call professionals.

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