Dana White Says He Should NOT Face Punishment After Slapping His Wife In New Year’s Eve Line


Dana White has explained why he shouldn’t face punishment after getting caught slap his wife on New Year’s Eve, but admits that he deserves the criticism he has faced for the altercation.

White apologized for his actions that night in Cabo San Lucas, though he still faces calls to resign as UFC president.

But speaking to reporters on Wednesday, White made it clear that he doesn’t think it’s necessary to take time off.

Dana White doesn't think he should be punished after he was caught slapping his wife

Dana White doesn’t think he should be punished after he was caught slapping his wife

White has been married to his wife Anne for 26 years and the couple have three children.

White has been married to his wife Anne for 26 years and the couple have three children.

White has been married to his wife Anne for 26 years and the couple have three children.

‘What should the repercussions be? You tell me. Shall I take 30 days off?’ she asked.

‘How does that hurt me? Leaving hurts the company. It hurts my employees. Hurt the fighters. It doesn’t hurt. I could have left in 2016. Do I need to reflect? No, I don’t need to reflect. The next morning when I woke up… I own this. I tell you I’m wrong.

White added in the press availability, which took place before UFC Fight Night 217 that, ‘There is no defense for this. People shouldn’t defend me, no matter what.

“All the criticism I’ve received this week and will receive in the future is 100 percent justified.”

UFC chief Dana White apologizes for slapping his wife in

UFC chief Dana White apologizes for slapping his wife in

White said he had no excuse for his actions, saying he was “embarrassed” by the clip.

He added that he has had “a lot of discussions” with Ari Emanuel, the head of UFC Endeavour’s parent company, and the heads of ESPN, and “no one is happy about this.”

White, 53, who is worth an estimated $500 million after turning the UFC into a global money-making franchise, has been married to his wife for 26 years, since 1996, and they have three children together.

They were celebrating New Years Eve at El Squid Roe in Cabo San Lucas. The video shows White appearing to say something to Anne, who reacts by slapping him. She then pats him on the back before the couple part ways.

White was quick to issue an apology for his actions to TMZ January 2

“I’m one of the guys who says there is never, ever an excuse for a man to put his hands on a woman and now here I am on TMZ talking about it,” he said.

‘This is one of those situations that is horrible. I’m ashamed. We have three children and since the video came out, we have shown the children and we are more focused on our family at the moment.

‘People are going to have their opinions on this and people’s opinions would be correct, especially in my case. You never put your hands on a woman.

His wife Anne is quoted by TMZ as saying: “To say this is out of character for him is an understatement, nothing like this has ever happened before.”

“Unfortunately, we both had too much to drink on New Year’s Eve and things got out of hand, on both sides. We talk about this as a family and apologize to each other.

Lorenzo Fertitta, Teressa Fertitta, Anne White and Dana White (from left to right)

Lorenzo Fertitta, Teressa Fertitta, Anne White and Dana White (from left to right)

Lorenzo Fertitta, Teressa Fertitta, Anne White and Dana White (from left to right)

Judging by White’s own words in the past, he’s lucky to still be in a job.

Speaking to Fox Sports Live in 2014 after images of Ravens running back Ray Rice abusing his wife surfaced, White had a very clear policy on domestic violence when it came to the UFC.

“We’ve been human beings to let these guys, other guys, make up for what they’ve done and come back. There is one thing you never recover from and that is laying your hands on a woman. It’s been like that in the UFC since we started here. You don’t recover from laying your hands on a woman.

Still, while White remains in his role in the UFC, he doesn’t think he’s getting out of this unscathed.

‘I have to walk for as long as I live, is it 10.4 years or another 25 years? – And this is how they label me now, ”she said Wednesday.

“My other punishment is that I am sure that many people, whether they are media, fighters, friends, acquaintances who respected me, might not have respect for me now.’