Frontier Airlines offers free flight vouchers to people who adopt kittens


A perfect deal: Frontier Airlines offers free flight vouchers to passengers who adopt kittens named Frontier, Delta, and Spirit, whose name had to be changed from Southwest!

  • A Las Vegas animal shelter has named three kittens: Frontier, Spirit and Delta
  • Frontier Airlines said it would offer free flight vouchers to its adopters
  • The two-week-old cats were rescued from Las Vegas late last month.







Frontier Airlines has said it will give flight coupons to anyone who adopts one of three kittens from an animal shelter in Las Vegas, each named after an airline.

The two-week-old kittens, named Frontier, Spirit and Delta, are at The Animal Foundation, Nevada’s largest animal shelter, and will be up for adoption in about a month once they’re older.

After learning the names of the kittens, Frontier announced that whoever adopted Spirit or Delta would receive two $250 Frontier coupons, while new parents of Frontier the cat would receive four $250 coupons.

Frontier Airlines has said it will give flight coupons to anyone who adopts one of three kittens from an animal shelter in Las Vegas, each named after an airline.  Frontier adopters (pictured) will receive four $250 coupons

Frontier Airlines has said it will give flight coupons to anyone who adopts one of three kittens from an animal shelter in Las Vegas, each named after an airline. Frontier adopters (pictured) will receive four $250 coupons

Frontier tweeted that it was an honor to have a kitten named after him and offered the coupons in exchange.

Frontier tweeted that it was an honor to have a kitten named after him and offered the coupons in exchange.

Frontier tweeted that it was an honor to have a kitten named after him and offered the coupons in exchange.

It all started when The Animal Foundation, which has a habit of giving its cats and dogs fancy names, published the photos and names of the trio of cats.

He even joked that one of the kittens would be named Southwest, but due to the difficulties the airline faced over the holiday season, the name was canned.

‘Meet the latest additions to our kitty nursery! Spirit’s name used to be Southwest, but due to recent events, our marketing team requested that we change it,” he wrote on Twitter.

‘This is so sweet! Thanks for the honour, @animalfndlv! We would love to donate two flight coupons to each of the @Delta and @Spirit adopters and four coupons to the Frontier adopter,” the airline’s official website tweeted in response.

Spirit adopters (pictured) will receive two $250 coupons

Spirit adopters (pictured) will receive two $250 coupons

Delta adopters (pictured) will receive two $250 vouchers

Delta adopters (pictured) will receive two $250 vouchers

The person who adopts Spirit (left) or Delta (right) will receive two $250

1673173042 870 Frontier Airlines offers free flight vouchers to people who adopt

1673173042 870 Frontier Airlines offers free flight vouchers to people who adopt

1673173043 887 Frontier Airlines offers free flight vouchers to people who adopt

1673173043 887 Frontier Airlines offers free flight vouchers to people who adopt

In a statement explaining its decision to give away the coupons, Frontier said the shelter’s cause was aligned with its values.

“We are delighted that the rescue organization has decided to name these three adorable kittens after airlines, including our own,” Frontier said. “Underscoring the plight of animals is near and dear to us.”

“We are more than happy to provide a little extra incentive to encourage the adoption of these three precious kittens,” Frontier added.

The Foundation said the three kittens were rescued inside Las Vegas late last month. They will be available for adoption when they weigh 1.5 pounds and are at least six weeks old.

“It’s unusual to have a litter of kittens at the shelter this time of year, so when we had these three little fluffballs arrive at The Animal Foundation, we knew we had to give them special names,” said Kelsey Pizz, Animal spokesperson. Foundation. told CNN.