JANA HOCKING: I’ve learnt the secret to sniffing out a single man


JANA HOCKING: I learned the ‘gross’ secret to sniffing out a sexy single man, and it explains why I keep falling for tradies, farmers, and gym junkies.

In my never-ending quest to try and figure out men and their funny ways, I’ve managed to stumble across a new study that reveals a lot about these strange and mysterious creatures.

It might sound a little crazy, but I’ve been assured that it’s scientifically true, so buckle up…

An online scientific journal called Frontiers in Psychology has found that single men give off a different, and more powerful, scent to men in relationships. Yes, and it turns out that women can smell them.

‘I eat?’ I hear you scream. Well it’s actually quite simple, you look for the one with the stinkiest BO.

Jana Hocking (above) admits she gets turned on by a guy's BO, and she's not the only one.

Jana Hocking (above) admits she gets turned on by a guy’s BO, and she’s not the only one.

According to science, single men have more testosterone because they are competing for a mate. Therefore, single men have more body odor. Whereas coupled guys tend to have lower testosterone levels which allows them to maintain a bond with their beloved. So, simply put, they’re not that stinky. Hey!

Now I’m not going to lie, this new discovery seems very caveman and a little sexy to me. You see, I have a confession… I get a little turned on by a guy’s BO. I know it sounds gross, but I once dated a tradie and couldn’t get enough of her ‘fresh from a day at work’ scent.

If I had to describe her scent, I’d say it was one part sweat, one part motor oil, and just a hint of Lynx deodorant. I think I subconsciously found him very alpha-like. Here was a man who had been using his body for physical income, and all he wanted to do was rip his clothes off.

I felt a very similar attraction to a farmer I dated a few years ago. Sure he looked cute after a shower, but tell me the guy who’d just come through the gate after moving 200 sheep to another paddock and fixing a couple of fences over that other version any day.

It also explains why I feel quite turned on at the gym. Turns out there’s testosterone flying everywhere. It’s no wonder people choose to spend so much time there. I wish that smell of testosterone could be smelled through the sheer number of gym selfies guys put on their dating profiles. Rather than us women sliding to the left out of sheer embarrassment, we might actually give it a try.

Turns out it's all about the scent, says Jana.

Turns out it’s all about the scent, says Jana.

And luckily, I’m not the only weirdo who thinks so. In fact, it is very common among women. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley said women who inhaled a chemical found in male sweat experienced elevated levels of an important hormone, along with increased sexual arousal, faster heart rate and other effects.

Now don’t lie ladies, there’s nothing hotter than snuggling up to a guy after a romp and breathing in a puff of body sweat. It gives me chills just thinking about it…

Now, on the other hand, men can apparently smell when women are horny. Yes, you read it right! According to research from the University of Kent, men can distinguish between the scent of a woman who is aroused and one who is “not in the mood.” As a bonus, the findings suggest that men are more attracted to women who smell horny. Seriously, when guys smelled the sweat samples of horny women, it literally turned them on.

If only that smell of testosterone could be sniffed through the myriad of gym selfies guys put on their dating profiles, says Jana.

If only that smell of testosterone could be sniffed through the myriad of gym selfies guys put on their dating profiles, says Jana.

Umm… Should I start bottling my sweat when I’m hot and start using it as perfume? You could have a million dollar idea here!

Now, while this is all very exciting and has us all signing up for triathlons, let’s face facts. There are some serious deal breakers that can make that smell irrelevant.

For me, these deal breakers come in the form of bad breath (seriously, why avoid the dentist?), bad manners, a dislike of dogs, and the use of baby voices (especially in the bedroom eww!). You might be the stinkiest, muskiest man in the room, but if you hit me with a bad case of halitosis, I’m out of there.