Labor government slammed for $150,000 spending spree on functions and hospitality in three months


The federal government has spent more than $150,000 on features in just three months, leaving taxpayers to foot the hefty bill.

Between June and August, over $10,000 was spent on morning teas to introduce ministers to departmental staff.

These events were held for Foreign Minister Penny Wong, Health Minister Mark Butler, Aged Care Minister Annika Wells, Attorney General Mark Dreyfus and Arts Minister Tony Burke.

The Albanian government has spent over $150,000 in three months on functions and hospitality for the purpose of

The Albanian government has spent over $150,000 in three months on functions and hospitality for the purpose of “presenting themselves”

Between June and August over $10,000 was spent on morning teas to introduce ministers to departmental staff.  These events were held for Penny Wong, Mark Butler, Annika Wells, Mark Dreyfus, and Tony Burke.

Between June and August over $10,000 was spent on morning teas to introduce ministers to departmental staff. These events were held for Penny Wong, Mark Butler, Annika Wells, Mark Dreyfus, and Tony Burke.

Agriculture Minister Murray Watt’s department spent more than $40,000 on a conference for his staff, with more than $15,000 spent on food and alcohol, the daily telegraph informed.

Dreyfus also hosted 23 Australian government lawyers along with 49 guests for a financial year-end cocktail party in Perth, using $4,300 of taxpayer money.

He spent just under $1,000 to host members of the Family Law Council at the National Press Club in Canberra.

Mr. Burke also had a good hand in the money, spending just under $40,000 on 14 town hall meetings with “artists and workers in the arts, entertainment and culture sector,” along with Susan Templeman.

Ms. Wong has been busy welcoming interested parties, which has cost taxpayers $29,784.

His events included a ‘networking brunch’ in Kuala Lumpur that cost almost $7,000 and a $5,846 reception for provincial politicians in Malaysia.

He also hosted a $6,735 cocktail party for foreign diplomats and several meetings and functions over $1,000 each.

Minister Penny Wong (pictured) has been busy welcoming interested parties, which has returned taxpayers $29,784.  Her events included a 'networking brunch' in Kuala Lumpur that cost nearly $7,000 and a $5,846 reception for provincial politicians in Malaysia.

Minister Penny Wong (pictured) has been busy welcoming interested parties, which has returned taxpayers $29,784. Her events included a ‘networking brunch’ in Kuala Lumpur that cost nearly $7,000 and a $5,846 reception for provincial politicians in Malaysia.

Tony Burke (pictured) also had his hand in the money, spending just under $40,000 on 14 public meetings with 'artists and workers in the arts, entertainment and culture sector', along with Susan Templeman.

Tony Burke (pictured) also had his hand in the money, spending just under $40,000 on 14 public meetings with ‘artists and workers in the arts, entertainment and culture sector’, along with Susan Templeman.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland spent $13,234.50 on a reception, including more than $4,000 on canapés and more than $3,000 on alcohol.

Mr. Butler spent $16,568.30 on a healthcare staff event, welcoming doctors and medical professionals.

The guests included 11 public servants and four Ministry personnel.

Shadow Attorney General Michaelia Cash compared the cash splash to that of the Gough Whitlam government.

A spokesman for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the government adhered to all rules and guidelines and said the spending was appropriate.

A spokesman for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the government adhered to all rules and guidelines and said the spending was appropriate.

“It seems that the Albanian government is living up to the best traditions of Labor governments, since the Whitlam era,” he said.

“The government talks a lot about being good economic stewards, but this kind of spending at cocktail parties, functions and conferences, exposes who they really are.”

A spokesman for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said the government adhered to all rules and guidelines and said the spending was appropriate.

“These are not unusual events, especially for a new government,” he said.

Daily Mail Australia contacted Mr Albanese’s office for comment.