Jan 6 Capitol rioter Ashli Babbit’s mother is arrested while trying to hold memorial for daughter


BREAKING NEWS: Mother of Capitol Hill rioter Ashli ​​Babbitt is arrested for ‘jaywalking’ at her daughter’s 2nd anniversary memorial Jan. 6 as protesters yell at police: ‘You murdered your daughter ‘

  • The mom of Capitol Hill troublemaker Ashli ​​Babbit, 35, has been arrested during her memorial
  • Video footage shows Micki Witthoeft being arrested by police officers on January 6, 2023
  • Babbitt Died During 2021 Capitol Riots – Witthoeft Arrested Friday In DC







The mother of Capitol Hill troublemaker Ashli ​​Babbit, 35, appears to have been arrested during a funeral for her daughter for jaywalking in Washington DC.

Video footage from the incident shows Babbit’s mother, Micki Witthoeft, being arrested by police Friday during a protest near the Capitol.

Babbitt, 35, was the only person killed during the insurrection when an officer opened fire on a Make America Great Again mob storming the roundabout.

Bystanders criticized police in footage of Witthoeft’s arrest, one saying their daughter was ‘murdered’ inside the Capitol and asking how they could arrest her now.

more to come.

Capitol Hill troublemaker Ashli ​​Babbit's mother appears to have been arrested during a funeral for her daughter by Jay across the street in Washington DC Micki Witthoeft was arrested by police on Friday during a protest held near the Capitol.

Capitol Hill troublemaker Ashli ​​Babbit’s mother appears to have been arrested during a funeral for her daughter by Jay across the street in Washington DC Micki Witthoeft was arrested by police on Friday during a protest held near the Capitol.