Perth mystery over young man left for dead on the front lawn of a suburban home: Lee White


Mystery surrounds the brutal beating of a young man left for dead on the front lawn of a suburban home as police scramble to track down the killer.

  • Lee White, 24, was found dead on the lawn of a property in High Wycombe, Perth.
  • He was severely beaten before being left for dead outside the suburban home.
  • Police are now searching for the 24-year-old’s killer and believe he was targeted.

A man was severely beaten and dumped on the front lawn of a suburban home in a gruesome attack that left detectives looking for the killer baffled.

Lee White, 24, was found dead on the lawn of a house in High Wycombe in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

It is believed that he was assaulted before a mysterious call raised the alarm with paramedics who saw a man ‘collapse’.

When the police arrived on the scene, they found Mr. White dead and are now searching for his killer.

CCTV footage appears to show two figures dragging something onto the lawn some time before the police were called.

Lee White, 24, was found dead on the lawn of a house in High Wycombe, Perth, in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Lee White, 24, was found dead on the lawn of a house in High Wycombe, Perth, in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Two figures can be seen dragging something onto a front lawn in east Perth at around 3:15am, shortly before police were called.

Two figures can be seen dragging something onto a front lawn in east Perth at around 3:15am, shortly before police were called.

They believe the 24-year-old was attacked and forensic officers were seen searching a public phone booth and a dumpster.

Police are also searching a house across the street where Mr. White was found, though no arrests have been made yet.

Pastor Wazza Harvey, who knew Mr. White, took to Facebook to confirm the young man’s death and pay tribute.

Many people are asking me questions. I hesitated to mention names out of respect for Lee’s family,” she said.

I will now confirm that the man found on the High Wycombe lawn was Lee White.

‘Only God knows Lee’s ultimate fate…but I take solace in Lee’s most recent FB (Facebook) post: ‘God qualifies the called, He doesn’t call the qualified’ – Lee White’.

Shalom House founder Peter Lyndon-James told the Western Australia that Mr. White had been involved with the rehab center in 2018 for over a year.

“It’s a shock to all of us, he did extremely well at Shalom House… we’re all shocked,” he said.

He was an absolutely beautiful guy.

Pastor Wazza Harvey, who knew Mr. White, took to Facebook to confirm the young man's death and pay tribute.

Pastor Wazza Harvey, who knew Mr. White, took to Facebook to confirm the young man’s death and pay tribute.

A man signals the paramedics and leads them to the body.  Police are now waiting to speak with the man.

A man signals the paramedics and leads them to the body. Police are now waiting to speak with the man.

Police are also searching a house across the street where Mr. White was found, though no arrests have been made yet.

Police are also searching a house across the street where Mr. White was found, though no arrests have been made yet.

Rev Harvey added: ‘Many people have prayed and hoped that their lives would turn completely to the Lord.

‘Please pray for his bereaved family. Pray for your friends who continue to relapse and gamble or stay connected to the ‘scene’.

‘May they turn fully to the Lord and stop looking back at the world.

‘Many do recover and are restored through the saving grace and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, but the living reality is that some do not.’

Homicide Squad Det-Sen. Sergeant Michael Fogell said Tuesday that investigators believe this man’s injuries are the result of an assault and that other people may have been involved.

β€œThe information I have at this time is that St John Ambulance was called for a man who collapsed on the front lawn and they attended and located the man, examined him and later found him dead,” he said.

“We would look to speak to that person (who made the call)…they obviously know something because they called the police, and we would like to speak to them urgently,” he said.

Anyone with information should contact the police immediately.