My Daily Horoscope: What does December 10th 2022 bring for MY star sign? Oscar Cainer tells all


As Venus enters Capricorn and the Sun and Neptune prepare to align, the cosmos encourages us to appreciate the beauty and spiritual depth of our world. A link between Jupiter and Uranus suggests that joy can come from surprising places.

Aries March 21 – April 20

No matter how hard they try, some people struggle to get their computers to do more than simple tasks. Although we may enjoy being pushed and challenged, it’s only fun when it goes in our chosen direction. No one likes to be forced to think about things we’d rather not deal with. Fortunately, there are all kinds of experts to turn to when we find ourselves out of our depths and unmotivated to solve problems. Whatever you set your mind to, if you persevere, you will achieve it. Do not worry about the future. Instead, learn to embrace it and transform it. Learn how to do it in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

How can putting a limit on love make a relationship stronger, since we usually see limits as restrictive?  writes Oscar Cainer (pictured)

Tomorrow’s Full Moon in Gemini is an opportunity to satisfy unmet needs, writes Oscar Cainer (pictured)

Explorers do not stop looking for new projects. Even when they’re in the middle of an adventure, they’re still on the lookout for new opportunities. It’s one thing to be alert to possibilities, but another to take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself. As your ruler, Venus, changes signs, this week brings opportunities to develop connections. But there is absolutely no obligation to take advantage of everything that comes your way. Don’t do something just because you can. Do it because it’s what you want to do. The auspicious lineups suggest that good times are ahead. Find out more in your latest detailed forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

Gemini May 22 – June 22

When someone behaves erratically, what are you supposed to read into their actions and statements? It’s hard to be objective when you have an emotional reaction to some of the things they do and say. Therefore, you should avoid taking a problem personally. You are not to blame and you are not as vulnerable as you think. If you keep these facts in mind and are compassionate, this week will provide insight and understanding that will allow a relationship to unfold in surprisingly positive ways. Do you need to change something in your world? Your latest four-minute forecast tells you how. Call 0906 751 5603.

Cancer June 23 – July 23

There are so many concepts that lie beyond our comprehension. No wonder we get attached to ideas that seem simple. As long as we don’t encounter confusing situations, we will happily endure them. At least we can moan and complain, safe in the knowledge that we know what we are complaining about! However, the most rewarding experiences tend to come from encounters with the new. You are in vulnerable territory this week. As Venus settles in your opposite sign, your heart is being touched. Don’t worry, she just enjoys the confusion. Make the most of her opportunities. His latest detailed four-minute forecast contains inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5604.

Leo July 24 – August 23

A link between Jupiter and Uranus suggests joy can come from surprising places, says Oscar Cainer

A link between Jupiter and Uranus suggests joy can come from surprising places, says Oscar Cainer

A link between Jupiter and Uranus suggests joy can come from surprising places, says Oscar Cainer

Would you mind explaining your latest idea? I hope you don’t object, but I’ve rounded up some people who might be affected by your plans. They have some pertinent questions they’d like you to answer… I, of course, have done no such thing! But since you may feel like you’re being scrutinized under a spotlight this week, I thought I’d give you a heads up, so you can figure out what you want to reveal, and what you want to keep to yourself. Even if there are times when you feel insecure, don’t lose faith. Your idea is good. Live life to the max! There’s helpful advice and good news in his latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Make a concession. Make a deal, Call a truce. Strike a balance. Negotiate a deal. Establish a ceasefire. Put a cast on it. Fudge a repair. Just do what you have to do to buy yourself some free time this week. Of course, as a deeply conscientious soul, none of the above ideas appeal to your fastidious nature. He wants to find a way to solve something, once and for all. And you will. But taking extreme measures will not lead to the correct result. If you give yourself time to pause, you will find a much better and easier way to progress. Do you need support? What is the best way to move forward and ensure success? For your weekly forecast, call 0906 751 5606.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Keep your head below the parapet this week. If you need to know what’s going on, send someone to scout around and let you know. Base your actions on the assumption that you will not be able to resolve a difficult situation, no matter how much effort you apply. In fact, the more energy you invest, the more complex it becomes. So stay back and maintain a policy of neutrality. Even if a situation seems urgent, stay calm. As your ruler Venus transitions into a new sign, the cosmos is watching over you. Trust and relax. There is no need to worry. All you need is a little guidance. Your forecast for next week may help. Call 0906 751 5607.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Its ruling planet, Pluto, is so unique that it almost defies classification. It is always hotly debated whether it is a super comet or an ice dwarf. And while some consider it too small to be a planet, astrologers know that its movements affect our lives in subtle and powerful ways. You have the power this week to gently influence a situation that seems so complex that it is difficult to define. But since intuition is one of your many blessings, as long as you follow your instincts and your heart, you can make sure it turns out great. Your forecast for the week ahead will help you see the big picture and keep you moving in the right direction. Call 0906 751 5608.

Sagittarius November 23 – December 21

What is the road to heaven paved with if the road to hell is paved with good intentions? Personally, I think we can assume that both routes are paved with the same material. It is the amount of effort we put in when we travel that decides our destination. Wanting to achieve a good result will not get us very far, it requires hard and dedicated work to achieve a goal. You are a motivated Sagittarius with a plan. Since your intentions are good and you are prepared to invest lots of energy, you are headed in the right direction. What does your heart desire? How can you achieve what you really want? For your latest weekly forecast, call 0906 751 5609.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

You have been feeding a fantasy and exploring an idea. However, you have been telling yourself that your vision is impractical and improbable, that you are simply enjoying the idea of ​​something that will never become part of your reality. But subconsciously, you’ve set in motion a series of events that have the potential to make it happen, all the while telling yourself that if the perfect opportunity presents itself, you don’t have to take it. With Venus in your sign, don’t resist the opportunities that come your way. You know what you need to change. You can make it happen! For your forecast for next week, call 0906 751 5610.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

It’s time to reconsider your options. In its current form, an idea is not feasible. But it just needs to be altered and adjusted. So why not try to take into account the needs and beliefs of the people in your world who don’t see things the same way you do? Even if their views do not agree with yours, their views have value. And there is a real possibility that they could be useful. As long as you’re open-minded enough to rethink your plans, all sorts of amazing, groundbreaking, and positive discoveries can be made. There are reasons to feel positive! There’s good news in your latest detailed four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Have you ever seen a flower rotate to follow the sun? Or watched a leaf unfold? These processes occur so slowly that they are imperceptible. Only thanks to high-speed filming can we see what is happening. This same phenomenon explains why life sometimes seems static, as if no change is taking place. Then suddenly we realize that things are very different. Progress has taken place quietly in a part of your world that seemed immobile. This week, as the change becomes apparent, it also brings joy. You can change your life for the better. The key to open the door is closer than you think. Call 0906 751 5612.