DAN WOOTTON: As Harry and Meghan spread more fantasies, it’s time the Sussex Survivor Club go public


We now have proof that the Duke and Duchess of Delusion’s opportunistic cheek knows no bounds.

After the fake eco-warriors flew to New York yesterday in a carbon spewing private jet, why the hell would they have to travel with the little people and save the planet, right? – to spread more damaging falsehoods about their flesh and blood while collecting an award said to be for ‘exposing’ non-existent racism in the Royal Family, effectively trashing the late Queen’s work, Harry and Meghan had the nerve to suggest that they had chosen a ‘path of optimism’.

If they think dumping their flesh and blood under another awakened bus is positive, I’d really hate to see the trail of destruction if they went down a pessimistic path.

Despite claiming to be ‘champions of healing’ in their Pollyannaish speech, as always with the Sussexes, there was a menacing undercurrent.

We now have proof that the Duke and Duchess of Delusion's opportunistic cheek knows no bounds.

We now have proof that the Duke and Duchess of Delusion’s opportunistic cheek knows no bounds.

After the fake eco-warriors flew to New York yesterday in a carbon spewing private jet

After the fake eco-warriors flew to New York yesterday in a carbon spewing private jet

Harry told the super elite audience at the Robert F Kennedy Awards, who had shelled out up to $1 million for a ticket: “As we all face a full and challenging time in the world, we chose the path of spotlight optimism to each”. others and our communities. We understand this honor not as the culmination of a life’s work, but rather, and in many ways for us, a beginning.’

The mumbo jumbo California hippy dippy the couple embraced onstage belies the cruel motivation behind the Sussexes’ revenge campaign against the royal family.

After hilariously realizing that they can’t rise to the top of the royal ‘hierarchy’, due to those pesky restrictions of a hereditary monarchy, they go to tear the whole thing down.

That plan begins in earnest tomorrow, with the launch of the couple’s Netflix reality show, an orgy of victimhood that will apparently accuse the royal family of conspiring with the British press to spread a racist narrative about them.

Without a hint of irony, Meghan laughed onstage: “We should all, when we can, if we’re feeling brave enough, speak honestly about your own experience.”

If they think dumping their flesh and blood under another awakened bus is positive, I'd really hate to see the trail of destruction if they went down a pessimistic path.

If they think dumping their flesh and blood under another awakened bus is positive, I’d really hate to see the trail of destruction if they went down a pessimistic path.

Either she’s trolling us, or she’s completely ignorant of the fact that she and Harry must be considered the biggest tongue twisters in the business, with five falsehoods already exposed in their Netflix trailer, adding to the 17 pork pies in the now widely discredited Oprah Winfrey. everybody.

In fact, the Sussexes appear to be redefining the concept of truth, with Harry vowing in the much-maligned Netflix trailer: “Nobody knows the whole truth.” We know the whole truth.

Of course, that is a completely ridiculous statement.

Harry was not in the room during many of the alleged bullying incidents targeting Meghan during her time in the Royal Family, including the now-infamous moment when she is accused of making Kate cry during a bridesmaid dress fitting. .

Nor was he privy to the hundreds of hours of phone conversations by staff at Kensington Palace and then Buckingham Palace using every trick in the PR book to try to stop the unflattering stories about Meghan’s behavior towards the staff that appeared in the press.

I should know; I was part of many of those calls, which often involved threats of legal or regulatory action.

But I am a journalist and my job is to follow the story wherever it takes me.

The fact that I had been very positive about Meghan’s entry into the Royal Family, I celebrated her wedding day as one of the most exciting moments in modern British history and thought it could be a game changer for the modern monarchy that prepares for the transition from Isabel II to Carlos. III was irrelevant, since what was happening behind the scenes was clearly in the public interest.

In fact, the Sussexes seem to be redefining the concept of truth, with Harry promising in the much-maligned Netflix trailer:

In fact, the Sussexes appear to be redefining the concept of truth, with Harry vowing in the much-maligned Netflix trailer: “Nobody knows the whole truth.” We know the whole truth

So on November 8, 2018, I was the first reporter in the world to reveal details of the royal tensions between Meghan and her new relatives, writing in the now famous Tiaragate story: “The Queen warned Prince Harry about the behavior and Meghan Markle’s attitude before her wedding”. following a row over her bride’s tiara.’

A source told me the Queen said: ‘Meghan can’t have whatever she wants. She receives the tiara that I have given her.

That was an extraordinary intervention by a monarch known for trying to keep the peace among her relatives.

And the same story included this fascinating detail: “Meghan and Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, have clashed over treatment of staff.”

A royal source told me then: ‘Meghan can be difficult. She has very high standards and is used to working in a Hollywood environment.’

Those tentative steps I took back then to reveal the inner workings of the Sussexes’ fallout with their relatives helped unravel reality over the next 14 months, culminating in the revelation of their plan to Megxit in January 2020.

This has all become very relevant now because it seems that Harry and Meghan’s claim, based on the Netflix trailer, is that the royal institution itself was planting stories to purposely make them look bad and foster racism towards them.

That accusation would be laughable if it weren’t so serious.

And that is why I now strongly believe that Buckingham Palace must give members of the Sussex Survivor Squad, former employees who say they have been ‘harassed’ by Meghan, the chance to speak out publicly to reveal ‘their truth’. ‘. without the fear of being sued for breaking strict confidentiality agreements.

Such a move would be highly unconventional, but I believe it is now necessary.

A former employee bound by a confidentiality agreement told The Times newspaper today: “The only way to end this for good is for us to be allowed to speak and for the palace to firmly reject their lies.”

They added: “Certainly, I have chosen to remain silent out of respect for the crown, but if they continue to attack us and our character, reputation, etc., we must feel equally supported by the royal family.”

Buckingham Palace is also due to publish the results of the independent inquiry into Meghan’s bullying allegations, which the Sussexes have always denied.

Despite what Harry says, those two steps are the only way the public can hear the “full truth” of what really happened.

King Charles, up to this point, has been determined to steer clear of what the monarch views as libel, but the stakes now are simply too high.

I don’t believe the “full truth” of Harry and Meghan, based on my years of reporting on their time in the Royal Family.

But if the other side is forced to remain silent, it could soon become the truth in the public eye, especially arousing Americans desperate to turn against a great British institution.