Pasta la vista! Hilarious moment Minnesota girl slips on ice as she walks out of her front door


Paste in sight! Hilarious moment Minnesota girl slips on ice as she walks out of her front door, knocking lunch plate over her head

  • Charlie was walking outside his Minnesota home with alligators in one hand and spaghetti in the other when he slipped on the ice.
  • The footage captured the moment the teen accidentally threw the pasta at herself as she headed to the car to meet her father.
  • She walked down her driveway defeated as she left a trail of pasta behind.







Hilarious footage captured the moment a girl threw a bowl of spaghetti on her head after slipping on the ice.

The girl, who goes by Charlie, was walking outside her home in Bloomington, Minnesota, when she fell outside her front door. She was seen holding white crocodiles in one hand and an open plate of pasta in the other.

Charlie was dressed in a white sweatshirt and headed to meet her father in the car before heading out to her driveway defeated and hair full of noodles.

“Oh my gosh,” a man said as he walked out the door seconds later to find remains of pasta on the floor. ‘Where did he go?’

Charlie was walking outside his Minnesota home with alligators in one hand and spaghetti in the other when he slipped on the ice.

Charlie was walking outside his Minnesota home with alligators in one hand and spaghetti in the other when he slipped on the ice.

The footage captured the moment the teen accidentally threw the pasta at herself as she headed to the car to meet her father.

The footage captured the moment the teen accidentally threw the pasta at herself as she headed to the car to meet her father.

The footage captured the moment the teen accidentally threw the pasta at herself as she headed to the car to meet her father.

Charlie dropped the bowl in disbelief and paused for a moment.

Charlie dropped the bowl in disbelief and paused for a moment.

Charlie dropped the bowl in disbelief and paused for a moment.

The video has since gone viral since Charlie’s mother posted it online. People on social media reacted to the hilarious video that garnered more than 180,000 likes on TikTok.

“Cloudy with a change of meatballs,” one person quipped.

“At that time I’ll stay home,” added another. All plans would be cancelled.

Some took pity on the girl whose day they thought would be ruined, especially after she stained her white sweatshirt with spaghetti sauce.

“Honestly you can stay home,” wrote one person.

That would have been my last hit.

Others questioned why the girl had her food in an open container to begin with.

‘Why [was she] coming out with a whole plate of spaghetti OPEN?’

‘In what world do you leave home with a plate of hot spaghetti?’

Another added: “That’s what you get for a spaghetti breakfast.”

Charlie was seen walking defeated down her driveway while leaving a trail of dough.  Since then, the video has gone viral on social media.

Charlie was seen walking defeated down her driveway while leaving a trail of dough.  Since then, the video has gone viral on social media.

Charlie was seen walking defeated down her driveway while leaving a trail of dough. Since then, the video has gone viral on social media.

Some commenters shared their own embarrassing moments.

“My freshman year in college, first day of class at about 7:40am, a bird shit on my head,” one person wrote. ‘I just got back to my dorm for the day.’

Another person replied: ‘The same thing happened to me once at the beach, but it was in [my] forehead because I was getting tanned. Since then I hated seagulls.

“It’s happened to me before after a long day at work,” one person said.