Coronation Street SPOILER: Summer Spellman pays Mike and Esther Hargrave a surprise visit


Coronation Street SPOILER: Summer Spellman pays Mike and Esther Hargrave a surprise visit after agreeing to sell her baby to a desperate couple for £10,000, but has she changed her mind?

Guy Fawkes may be over, but Coronation Street fans can expect some late fireworks this Christmas when Summer Spellman visits a couple eager to buy her baby.

The hard-up teen, played by Harriet Bibby, has already agreed to let desperate parents Mike and Esther Hargrave adopt the child for a nominal £10,000, but the coming scenes suggest she’s changed her mind.

Location shots from an upcoming celebratory episode of the ITV soap show Summer swinging a large bag as she pays the couple a surprise visit to their Weatherfield home.

Look who it is: Guy Fawkes may be over, but Coronation Street fans can expect some fireworks this Christmas when Summer Spellman visits a couple eager to buy her baby

Look who it is: Guy Fawkes may be over, but Coronation Street fans can expect some fireworks this Christmas when Summer Spellman visits a couple eager to buy her baby

Mike, played by former Emmerdale and Bridgerton star Tom Lorcan, appears visibly shaken after opening his door to the enraged teen, before gently letting her into the premises.

Summer had originally decided to have an abortion after becoming pregnant by boyfriend Aaron Sanford, but a monetary offer from the desperate couple – who can’t conceive – prompted her to push through.

In other scenes aired over the Christmas period, she will be seen raising £10,000 in advance from Mike and Esther, after telling Aaron they could use the money to send his father to rehab.

Quids in: The hard-up teen played by Harriet Bibby has already agreed to let desperate parents Mike and Esther Hargrave adopt the child for a nominal £10,000

Quids in: The hard-up teen played by Harriet Bibby has already agreed to let desperate parents Mike and Esther Hargrave adopt the child for a nominal £10,000

Clumsy: Mike, played by former Bridgerton star Tom Lorcan, looks visibly shocked after opening his door to the enraged teen, before gently letting her into the premises

Clumsy: Mike, played by former Bridgerton star Tom Lorcan, looks visibly shocked after opening his door to the enraged teen, before gently letting her into the premises

Clumsy: Mike, played by former Bridgerton star Tom Lorcan, looks visibly shocked after opening his door to the enraged teen, before gently letting her into the premises

Don't mind me: Location shots from an upcoming celebratory episode of the ITV soap find Summer brandishing a large bag as she pays the couple a surprise visit

Don’t mind me: Location shots from an upcoming celebratory episode of the ITV soap find Summer brandishing a large bag as she pays the couple a surprise visit

Summer’s guardian Billy will no doubt be furious if she decides to give up the child in such a way, after swearing to support whatever decision she makes about her unborn child.

Earlier this month, actress Harriet Bibby looked back at the moment Summer first learned she was pregnant Subway: ‘I don’t think her first reaction is great. It’s not happy.

“It’s not what you’d like to feel when you first find out you’re pregnant.

Not happy: The teen doesn't look happy waiting for someone to open the door

Not happy: The teen doesn’t look happy waiting for someone to open the door

Lucrative Labor: Summer had decided to have an abortion after she got pregnant, but a money offer from the couple - who can't get pregnant - prompted her to go through with it

Lucrative Labor: Summer had decided to have an abortion after she got pregnant, but a money offer from the couple - who can't get pregnant - prompted her to go through with it

Lucrative Labor: Summer had decided to have an abortion after she got pregnant, but a money offer from the couple – who can’t get pregnant – prompted her to go through with it

Disgruntled: Earlier this month, actress Harriet Bibby reflected on the moment Summer first learned she was pregnant, admitting that

Disgruntled: Earlier this month, actress Harriet Bibby reflected on the moment Summer first learned she was pregnant, admitting that “her first reaction wasn’t great”

“I think she’s going to panic all of a sudden, Summer is the type of person who estimates everything and makes up the worst case scenario.

“And I think she did when she found out she was pregnant. They’re not ready as a couple, and she’s not ready. She has her own problems to solve.’

Coronation Street airs Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, ITV1, from 8pm.

There you go, kid: in other scenes, she'll be seen collecting £10,000 from Mike and Esther, after telling boyfriend Aaron they could use the money to send his dad to rehab

There you go, kid: in other scenes, she’ll be seen collecting £10,000 from Mike and Esther, after telling boyfriend Aaron they could use the money to send his dad to rehab