Late Show host Stephen Colbert admits he was wrong to doubt Tudor Dixon’s story about Dem voter


Embarrassed Late Show host Stephen Colbert has admitted he was wrong in questioning Tudor Dixon’s story of a Democratic voter switching to Republican.

But in the same breath, CBS host Colbert mocked the man for his opposition to sexually explicit material in textbooks after claiming the GOP candidate for governor made up the story.

In a monologue last week on The Late Show, Colbert ridiculed Republican candidate Dixon over a story she shared in her recent debate with incumbent Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

In the debate, Dixon described how a man who attended her campaign rally said he had been a loyal Democrat for a long time but had decided to switch sides due to his frustration with “sexually explicit books” in school libraries — a story Colbert joked was ‘totally made up’ ‘.

But days later, the voter revealed himself — and chided Colbert for his ignorance.

Colbert has now admitted he was wrong: “Here’s the point, I don’t make many mistakes that I’m willing to admit. But if I do, I’ll be big enough to admit them.

“During a debate, she told a story that I honestly doubted.”

He apologized – but then decided to swipe again and mocked Othman for what he said when he spoke up.

CBS host Stephen Colbert claimed a story about a voter defecting from the Democrats to the GOP was ‘totally made up’, but now the voter is speaking out

1667573282 296 Late Show host Stephen Colbert admits he was wrong to

“Claiming I’m not there, I don’t exist, I’m not human, that’s absolute ignorance,” Khalil Othman, 41, (above) told the Detroit Free Press of Colbert’s comments

He added: “This very real person deserves an apology for saying, ‘Claiming I’m not here, I don’t exist, I’m not human, that’s absolute ignorance.” So I want to apologize. It is terrible for someone to deny your existence. Just ask transgender people.

“Therefore, Stephen Colbert, I acknowledge that you exist and ask to forgive me.”

“Claiming I’m not here, I don’t exist, I’m not human, that’s absolute ignorance,” Khalil Othman, 41, told the Detroit Free Press, saying he attended a Dixon rally where he stated his intention to to switch sides.

“If this person has done their due diligence and starts investigating, or has their team do a little bit of research on who this person who attended Dixon’s rally is, they’ll be able to find my name easily on social media right away. Google it,” Othman added.

Othman, a father of five who is originally from Yemen, is a former candidate for Dearborn City Council and Michigan House of Representatives, and was a candidate for both positions as a Democrat.

“Since immigrating to this amazing country nearly 20 years ago, I’ve been a loyal Democrat,” he explained in a Facebook post.

“Never have I ever voted Republican. However, the situation with the sexually oriented material in the schools was a bridge too far for me. When it comes to my kids and my family, I won’t budge. Family for the party!’ He wrote.

Othman wrote that because he felt his concerns were being ignored or downplayed by Democrats, he decided to hear Dixon speak at a rally and “make my own judgment.”

He shared that he was encouraged by her comments, as well as by his conversations with the candidate and her supporters, and announced his “divorce” from the Democratic Party.

Othman is part of a group of parents who have protested in recent weeks against books in Dearborn’s public school libraries that they believe contain inappropriate sexual content, including several LGBTQ-themed.

“I am a proud Muslim American who always lives up to my values ​​and concerns,” Othman told the Free Press.

Dearborn has voted Democrat Blue for the past ten or twenty years. But not anymore. On behalf of myself and my family, I guarantee you that my family and my friends will vote for Republicans,” he said.

Dixon, a former conservative radio host, received the GOP nomination in Michigan after gaining Donald Trump’s endorsement and support from the wealthy family of former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who are major political players in the state.

Although Dixon chased Whitmer in the polls throughout the campaign, the gap has narrowed significantly as the November 8 election approaches.

The latest RCP poll average shows Whitmer narrowly ahead of just 3.4 points, with multiple recent polls showing the race in a draw.

In her Oct. 25 debate with Whitmer, Dixon shared Othman’s story, without identifying him by name, saying a voter approached her at a rally and said he changed his vote for the GOP because he felt his concerns were ignored by the Democrats.

He said, “I found content in my school library that describes how to have sex with my son. I went to the Democrats and I said, I can’t believe this is in it,” Dixon recalled.

“Because the Democrats aren’t standing up for our kids and going back to basics, he said, I’m leaving the Democratic Party,” Dixon added.