Household budget calculator: Work out income, spending and bills


Household Budget Calculator: Get Help Calculating Your Income, Expenses and Bills







With our household budget calculator, you can keep track of what’s coming in and where your money is going each month.

Getting a grip on your income and expenses is the essential first step to getting your finances in order.

Once you know the details, you can think about where you can cut back, how much money you can afford to save or invest, and start planning for a brighter financial future.

Before taking advantage of this, however, it makes sense to spend some time collecting the necessary paperwork, such as pay stubs, council tax assessments, insurance policies, and credit card bills.

This calculator only works on the desktop and tablet version of This is Money.

Household Budget Calculator

With our household budget calculator you can keep track of exactly where the money is going each month – the first step to economizing. Before taking advantage of this, however, it makes sense to spend some time collecting the necessary paperwork, such as pay stubs, council tax assessments, insurance policies, and credit card bills.