Mecha Comet is a modular open source handheld computer that reminds me of the Indian PDA that may have inspired the iPhone

  • The Comet is a mix of Raspberry Pi, Simputer and Project Ara with a touch of Game Boy
  • The standout feature is the use of hardware extensions that can be quickly removed
  • It will be launched very soon on the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter

Developed in India in the early 2000s, the Simputer(Simple Inexpensive Mobile computer) was a groundbreaking portable Linux computer that many people believe inspired the Apple iPhone (and by extension Android devices). It had a touch interface, stylus input with handwriting recognition, an accelerometer and a USB master port – all innovations that were ahead of their time.

I mention the Simputer now because I’m reminded of it when I look at a brand new modular handheld computer that will soon debut on Kickstarter – the Mecha comet is a portable Linux device aimed at developers, makers and tinkerers.