British woman reveals long list of things she does not like about Australia after moving Down Under – but admits there are lots of positives

A young woman from Britain, now living in Sydney, has shared a long list of things she doesn’t like about Australia, although she admits there are still positives to living Down Under.

Amy, who moved to Australia in September last year, shared a light-hearted rant about the country in a video on social media.

Amy’s first point was one that all Australians can relate to, especially during the current cost of living crisis.

“The price of fruit and vegetables,” Amy wrote.

‘£1.20 (almost AUD$2.40) for one lime?! Am I made of money?’

Her second point was ‘how long it takes for traffic lights to turn green for pedestrians (compared to Britain this feels like AGES)’.

Another negative was the amount of flying in Australia.

Amy was also surprised at the cost of obtaining a responsible drinking certificate in NSW.

Amy from Britain, who now lives in Sydney, has shared a long list of things she doesn’t like about Australia

‘To sell, serve or supply alcohol in NSW you must complete RSA training.’

She was surprised to find that the RSA course fee was almost $120.

‘Why do I have to pay to get a job?’ Amy wrote.

Amy’s next point was the price of groceries and the lack of supermarkets.

“In Aus we only have two choices, sometimes three.”

Amy wrote about her encounters with a terrifying Aussie airborne predator (stock image)

Amy wrote about her encounters with a terrifying Aussie airborne predator (stock image)

‘There are about eight in the UK, so much more variety and you can shop cheaper.’

As for buying alcohol, Amy would prefer to get it from the supermarkets rather than having to go to a separate bottle shop.

“Although there are so many more choices when it comes to alcohol, I would prefer the convenience of just adding it to the shopping cart at my grocery store,” she wrote.

She also shared her fear of Australian magpies, saying they were scary.

‘Not like normal British magpies. They’re attacking.’

She pointed out how far Australia is from Britain and shared a photo of a sign saying London is 9,110 miles away as one of her complaints about the country.

Amy wrote that she would prefer to buy alcohol in a supermarket, rather than a separate bottle shop (stock image)

Amy wrote that she would prefer to buy alcohol in a supermarket, rather than a separate bottle shop (stock image)

Finally, Amy wrote in her post how the Nivea facial cleanser she bought in the UK for £2.50 (about AUD$5) is selling for AUD$13 in Woolworths.

She also missed spending time with her family on her parents’ boat, enjoying her mother’s cooking and hanging out with her friends in Britain.

However, there she also had a list of things she liked about Australia.

‘The coffee is so much tastier and often a lot cheaper. But why do they all close so early?’ she asked her social media followers.

She mentioned chicken salt, cockatoos, acai bowls, the active lifestyle, Tim Tams, markets, ferries as public transport, the Glassons clothing store, the Opera House and the weather as some of her favorite things about Australia.

Things Amy doesn’t like about Australia

The price of fruit and vegetables

How long does it take before a traffic light turns green

The flies

Get an RSA certificate to get a bar job

The lack of choice in supermarkets

Bottle shops


How far away is it from Britain