7 cool uses for your old laptop or PC

Getting a new computer is super exciting, whether you've purchased a new gaming rig or an updated laptop. But getting the new hardware invariably means you now have some old stuff hanging around. Of course, you can put it in a closet or garage and forget about it, or you can send it to the scrap heap. But wouldn't it be better to find a cool new use for it?

There are many different ways to turn an old PC or laptop into something useful, including the door stop that more than a few old machines have become. But there are some real ways that old computers can make themselves useful, and best of all, they usually don't cost you a dime.

The possibilities are nearly endless, but we're going to focus on a handful of the most interesting ways an old computer can breathe new life into your home or office.

The home file server

This is especially useful if you're a family or work in a small office, both cases where giving people quick and easy access to information can be a huge benefit. Whether it's MP3s from your music collection or the latest business proposal, a file server makes it easy to always have them at hand.

Many people use things like Raspberry Pis or NAS (Network Attached Storage) devices for this kind of thing, but you can set up your old computer to do the same job without buying additional hardware. You can of course use the same operating system that's already installed, probably a variant of Windows, or you can install software built for the job. Amahi is one solution, as is FreeNAS, and as always, Google is your friend.

The web server

(Image credit: Amazon)

Setting up a web server on the Internet is surprisingly cheap these days, but what's the fun in letting someone else do it for you? Thanks to fast internet connections at home, there are now few reasons why you can't host your own server and serve web pages on the internet.

Setting up a web server gives you the chance to learn more about cool technology like Linux and how the Internet actually works, including the dastardly world of DNS. If you're tech savvy, setting up a web server can be a rewarding experience and you can then self-host a website via WordPress or one of many different solutions without spending a dime.

The learning PC

When you're learning how computers work, there are few better ways to do it than with a machine that you're not afraid of breaking – and your new old PC or laptop is the perfect example of that.

Whether you want to know how to troubleshoot Windows or get to grips with the command line and Linux (and its many different versions), having a PC that you don't have to work with at the end of the day is crucial. It takes the pressure off and gives you the space you need to make mistakes and learn from them.

The firewall and ad blocker

(Image credit: Pixabay)

Similar to the idea of ​​hosting your own website or file server, you can also turn any old computer into a firewall for extra control over how your devices connect to the Internet.

PiHole is software that can run on just about anything – not just a Raspberry Pi, as the name suggests – and then be configured to block ads and control which websites different devices can access. This can be a real boon if you have children and want to prevent their personal phones and tablets from reaching specific websites and services, for example. And like the rest of our examples, this costs nothing to get started and you'll even learn a thing or two in the process.

Distributed computing

If none of these ideas get you excited, you can always turn to distributed computing as a way to put that old computer to good use.

Distributed computing projects harness the collective power of computers around the world to crunch numbers in an effort to solve complex problems. These problems include trying to locate extraterrestrial intelligence and assisting in scientific research.

All you have to do is install and set up a piece of software on your old computer. It will use its CPU and GPU to crunch numbers and solve problems, much in the same way cryptocurrencies can be mined.

Which brings us to…

The crypto miner

(Image credit: Manuel Medir/Getty Images)

There are numerous dedicated mining rigs available, but you can use any computer. The more powerful the better, and strong GPUs are preferred. But even though the days of making your fortune mining crypto in your home are probably over, it may still be something you want to get into. Again, it is mainly a learning experience.

Really old computers will have a hard time here, so keep that kind spirit. And sometimes just buying crypto is a better option. But what's the fun in that?

The last option on our list is perhaps the best of them all, as it means that children who might not otherwise have access to a computer get the chance to use one.

Many local schools or libraries will be more than grateful for a free computer, as long as it is fully functional and doesn't look like it has been kicked around the yard.

Don't have a school or library nearby? There are plenty of charities that will accept your old hardware, and this is a great way to transfer your old computer if you no longer need it yourself.

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