6ft? A tall tale! Women are using AI to catch men cheating about their height on dating apps – here’s how YOU can try it

ChatGPT has already been used to write essays, tell jokes, and even write testimonial speeches.

But it appears the helpful AI bot may even be able to stop people from lying about their height on dating apps.

Women take screenshots of photos from dating app profiles, add them to ChatGPT and ask the app for an estimate of their height.

Justine Moore, a venture capitalist in San Francisco, said the AI’s estimates are accurate to within an inch — not just for men, but for women as well.

So it can be a good tool to gauge your romantic interest before you go on a date.

It looks like the helpful AI bot can even stop people on dating apps from lying to you about their height

How to Check if Your Match Isn’t Lying About His Height

Take screenshots of your match from the dating app

Upload this to ChatGPT with the instruction: ‘How tall do you estimate this man is?’

ChatGPT should return an estimate that may or may not confirm your match’s length claim

Moore tweeted: ‘Girls are using ChatGPT to see if guys are lying about their height on dating apps.

Upload four photos. The program uses proportions and surroundings to estimate height.

“I tested it on 10 friends and family members. All of the guesses came back within an inch of their actual height.”

As long as you have a ChatGPT account, you can try this handy trick yourself.

Simply take screenshots of your match from the dating app you use, whether it’s Tinder, Bumble, Badoo, or OKCupid.

Upload these photos to ChatGPT with the instruction: ‘How tall do you estimate this person is?’

ChatGPT should return an estimate that may or may not confirm your match’s length claim.

If you initially provide only one photo, ChatGPT may ask for more photos so it can make a more accurate assessment.

I tried giving ChatGPT a photo of myself, but one photo wasn’t enough and only after I submitted a second photo did the AI ​​give an estimate.

I tried the neat trick of giving ChatGPT a photo of myself, but it couldn’t make an estimate based on a single snap

Only after I submitted a second photo did the AI ​​give an estimate: “probably about 6 feet,” which is a few inches less than my actual height

It said: ‘Based on proportions and typical height ranges, he appears to be relatively tall, probably about 6 feet 3 inches or more.’

I’m about 6’2″ so it wasn’t a bad guess, although both photos were more or less full-body shots.

ChatGPT has a hard time giving a good estimate if most of the person’s body is not in the photo.

There also need to be some striking elements in the background, such as a car or a traffic sign, so that the body is in proportion.

Women in particular are increasingly looking for ways to ensure that they do not end up on a date with someone who is shorter than their personal ideal.

On dating apps like Bumble and Badoo, people add personal information to their profiles to increase their chances of a perfect match, including their height.

But men are increasingly likely to add a few inches to their height to increase their chances of getting a date, an OKCupid analysis found.

ChatGPT has already been used to write essays, tell jokes, write witness speeches and much more (file photo)

Some men try to make their height less obvious by making it ambiguous. For example, they deliberately choose to take photos of themselves sitting down.

One trick is to stand on a crate and pose next to a car to increase its relative height, then shoot from below to make the car appear more gigantic.

A decent height is generally a desirable trait. Scientists believe that a woman sees a taller man as someone who can protect her from danger or who can father healthy offspring.

Research has shown that women do not like to be taller than their men, so taller men are generally more attractive.

Too busy to find love? Send a robot instead! ‘AI dating concierge’ could date hundreds of people for you, claims Bumble founder

In the 2023 blockbuster Robots, Shailene Woodley and Jack Whitehall star as singles who send robot doppelgangers of themselves on dates.

Although this may seem far-fetched, it could soon become a reality.

That’s according to Whitney Wolfe Herd, the founder of the dating app Bumble.

Speaking at the Bloomberg Tech Summit, Herd (34) claimed that daters will soon be able to hire an “AI dating concierge” who can arrange hundreds of dates for them.

‘If you really want to go out into the world, there is a world where you… [AI] “A dating concierge can go on a date for you with another dating concierge,” she said.

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