6 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Premature Aging


No products or dermatologists can prevent aging from happening. We are inevitably bound to experience graying of hair and wrinkles around the eyes. These signs of aging can appear faster in some people’s cases compared to others, known as premature aging. 

Certain habits of a person lead to premature aging in them. If you are young and can spot fine lines, continue to read to find out which unhealthy habit is contributing towards premature aging in you. 

  1. Alcohol Consumption

Is your skin becoming dull and your eyes sinking in already? Maybe it is because of excessive alcohol consumption. 

Alcohol dehydrates your skin due to its diuretic effect. It also shortens the length of telomere- a DNA that indicates biological aging and dilates blood vessels. 

People who suffer from alcohol addiction can face depletion of essential nutrition along with many skin problems. So, don’t let your drinking problem affect your skin. If you feel quitting alcohol is too tough for you then find help through rehabnear.me

  1. Excessive Sun Exposure

Have you ever come across a video of someone stressing the importance of applying sunscreen and considered it not worthy of your attention? Well, you just got the answer to why your skin is aging prematurely. 

The sun’s rays can cause irreversible damage to your skin by breaking down collagen and elastin. It can make your skin look saggy, stretched and full of wrinkles and dark spots. 

A study found that the sun’s rays are 80% responsible for wrinkles and pigmentation on the face. Always wear sunscreen with a high SPF, a full-sleeved top and a hat during peak sun hours to avoid premature aging due to the UV rays. 

  1. Inadequate Sleep

Sleep, stress and skin health are intertwined, like a complex web. Disturb one strand and the whole pattern will be ruined. Sleep is crucial for the skin cells to repair and rejuvenate themselves. Lack of adequate sleep can increase the production of stress hormones, resulting in inflammation and premature aging. 

Although you can’t spot a difference in your skin texture in just one day, the constant breaking of skin cells and not getting enough sleep for the formation of new collagen can result in visible signs of aging.  

Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body and skin to regenerate and stay youthful. 

  1. Unhealthy Diet

While a plate of french fries may be tempting, the aftermath on your skin would be less appealing. Satisfying your craving for junk food can damage your young skin because what you eat directly impacts your skin’s health and aging process. 

You must avoid processed foods, sugar and fats as all these food items promote inflammation. To keep your skin glowy and healthy, opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains and protein. 

  1. Lack of Physical Exercise

A sedentary lifestyle can slow down circulation and impair overall health. 

Contrary to that, regular exercise can boost blood flow, which helps nourish skin cells and promotes collagen production. If you want to maintain a youthful appearance, it is time to keep your phone away, leave the couch and work out. Even if you are not a gym freak, you can do certain exercises, like yoga or running, to prevent your skin from getting aged prematurely. 

  1. Not Drinking Enough Water

Ever wondered how some people maintain a youthful glow while others struggle with premature aging? The secret for some lies in their daily habits.

A significant contributor to premature aging is not drinking enough water. Lack of water in the body causes dehydration, making skin appear dry and flaky. 

Water also prevents acne by flushing out the toxins and maintaining skin elasticity. So, make hydration a priority to keep your skin youthful and nourished. 


While aging is a natural process, premature aging is a result of unhealthy habits. Preventing premature aging would mean adopting healthy habits and adjusting your lifestyle accordingly. Remember, your skin reflects your overall health, so prioritize self-care and protect it from aging prematurely.