500 NHS nurses from Nigeria could be struck off over ‘fraudulent or incorrect’ exam results

More than 500 midwives and nurses working in the UK could be suspended following an investigation into a testing center in Nigeria, the regulator warned.

The Board of Nursing and Midwifery said the records of those who passed exams at the center could be “fraudulent or incorrect.”

To ensure that internationally trained professionals have the right knowledge and skills to provide quality care in the UK, they must pass a two-part competency test before they can join the NMC register – a computer-based test (CBT) was usually included in their home country and a practical test (OSCE) in the UK.

The CBT addresses numeracy, including questions about drug dosing, as well as clinical questions, such as the health problems patients with diabetes are prone to.

An organization called Pearson VUE, which runs the CBT program on behalf of the NMC, recently alerted the regulator to “anomalous data” at one of its third-party CBT testing centers in Ibadan, Nigeria.

More than 500 Nigerian nurses working in the UK were allegedly given ‘fraudulent or incorrect’ permission to join the UK nursing register after ‘anomalous data’ was found at an exam center

Pearson VUE immediately stopped testing at this center.

A total of 512 people on the NMC registry – about 5 percent of all individuals on the registry who qualified in Nigeria – took their CBT at the testing center.

The NMC is now writing to them to explain what happened and to tell them that they are opening cases “to determine whether or not they have obtained fraudulent or improper entry in the registry.”

It added that there are more people who have applied to join the registry after passing their exam at the center but have yet to be added. They have paused their application and are invited to take the test again.

The NMC said: ‘Our main concern is to maintain the integrity of the registry to protect the public.

At the same time, it is crucial that we approach any investigation of individuals objectively and transparently and avoid unfair discrimination.

“It’s also important to remember that we haven’t made any statements about individuals yet.

“Pearson VUE has reviewed all data related to the NMC’s CBT from each test site worldwide and there is no evidence of similar activity at other sites.”

Andrea Sutcliffe, NMC Chief Executive and Registrar, said: ‘Data from one testing site in Nigeria is unusual and concerning.

“We have regulatory processes that we will follow now, and if necessary we can deny registration or remove people from our register, to protect the public and people using health and care services.

“We know that the public and people using services may find this worrying.

“This affects just over 500 of the 771,445 professionals on our register.

“They will all have passed the practice test in this country before being admitted to the register and to date no concerns have been referred to us about their fitness to practice.

‘We must remember that thousands of nurses and midwives who have been trained abroad have recently safely joined our registry and continue to provide safe, effective and friendly care across the UK.’

The NMC uses a competency test (ToC) to assess the skills and knowledge of people applying to our register from abroad.

This consists of two main parts: a multiple-choice computer-based test known as the CBT, which applicants usually take in their home country; and a practical test known as the OSCE that people in the UK take.

Nursing in the UK is also increasingly dependent on international recruits, with India and the Philippines accounting for the lion's share of international nursing recruits, with over 15,000 combined.  Worryingly, a fifth of Britain's international nurse recruits come from 'red list' countries where the NHS is banned from poaching nurses.  These countries were Nigeria, Ghana, Nepal and Pakistan.  This data covers the period before Britain struck a special deal with Nepal to allow the NHS to recruit nurses from the country, despite its red-listed status

Nursing in the UK is also increasingly dependent on international recruits, with India and the Philippines accounting for the lion’s share of international nursing recruits, with over 15,000 combined. Worryingly, a fifth of Britain’s international nurse recruits come from ‘red list’ countries where the NHS is banned from poaching nurses. These countries were Nigeria, Ghana, Nepal and Pakistan. This data covers the period before Britain struck a special deal with Nepal to allow the NHS to recruit nurses from the country, despite its red-listed status

A company called Pearson VUE runs the CBT. They have been the test provider of the NMC since the introduction of the test in 2014.

In this centre, a total of 1,970 candidates followed their CBT, of which 512 were registered in the NMC register.

The NMC has since been working urgently with Pearson VUE to investigate data and evidence on the matter. It also examines the complete applications of those who have joined the registry.

The NMC gives people the option to retake the test and the test provider covers the candidate’s exam costs.

The regulator cannot let people retake – it will be their decision.

If someone does a retake and passes, it’s not a guarantee they’ll be able to access or stay on the registry, but it’s part of the information the NMC will use to make a final decision.

The NMC said it will consider the need for proven interim orders as part of any case it opens to determine whether or not individuals have improperly or fraudulently accessed the registry.

It investigates concerns and “as necessary to manage risk” may apply to panels to restrict individuals’ practice.

The NMC confirmed that no fitness to practice concerns have been raised about anyone on the registry in this group at this stage.

But it added: “It is clear that if someone has improperly or fraudulently accessed the register, the NMC must take action.”

‘The NMC approaches investigations into individuals in an objective and transparent manner and avoids unfair discrimination.

“It has not yet made any statements about individuals.

“Unless the NMC decides there is enough evidence to warrant a provisional suspension, individuals may continue to work.”

It comes after the NMC announced yesterday that it will withdraw approval for the midwifery course at Canterbury Christ Church University due to ‘serious concerns’ about the quality of the course.

The regulator said: ‘We are concerned that the university, in conjunction with the NHS trusts that provide traineeships to its students, is not equipping midwifery students to meet our requirements.

“We are particularly concerned about students not gaining the skills and expertise to provide safe, effective and friendly care when they enroll with us.”

This means that from 10 May midwifery training will no longer lead to registration as a midwife in the UK.

The NMC and NHS England are looking into whether existing students can transfer to another university to complete their studies and graduate.