2024 Election Latest: Biden and Harris set to meet Netanyahu following his fiery Congress address

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to make a long-awaited visit to the White House to meet the President Joe Biden and likely Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris at an important moment for all three politicians.

On Wednesday, President Biden delivered his first speech since his decision to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

Meanwhile, thousands of protesters gathered around the Israel’s war in Gazawhile Netanyahu a devastating speech to Congress to defend Israel’s conduct in the war and vowed “total victory” over Hamas.

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Here’s the latest news:

Just a few days into her new role as Democratic Party chairwoman likely presidential candidateKamala Harris is already facing a wave of Republican-backed attack ads questioning her personality, her progressive record and what she knew about President Joe Biden’s downfall.

But for now, Democrats have yet to enter the summer ad war. And in a sharp reversal from much of the year, Republicans suddenly dominate the airwaves.

▶ Read more about the battle for the ether.

Biden stressed that “defending democracy is more important than any title” and used his first public speech on Wednesday to implicitly proclaim the rejection of democracy. former president donald trump.

“Nothing, nothing can stand in our way of saving our democracy,” Biden said, in a somber coda to his 50 years in public office. “And that includes personal ambition.”

It was a moment for the history books: an American president reflecting before the nation on why he was taking the rare step of voluntarily handing over power. That hasn’t happened since 1968, when Lyndon Johnson announced he wouldn’t seek re-election in the heat of the Vietnam War.

Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office, surrounded by his family and closest advisers.

As he spoke, family members were mostly seated to the sides and along the curved wall. Among them were the president’s son Hunter Biden and his granddaughter Finnegan Biden, as well as his daughter Ashley Biden.

First lady Jill Biden was also in attendance, as were other family members and the president’s longtime adviser Mike Donilon.

Biden’s voice was very soft and at times barely audible, though it occasionally rose. Toward the end of the speech, Ashley Biden took the hand of her mother, the first lady, who was sitting next to her.

In the back were White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and other aides.

When Biden finished, the audience applauded. Jill Biden then walked over to the Resolute Desk and stood next to her husband. “This has been the honor of my life,” the president said.

No American president has ever withdrawn so late in the race. The last president to do so was Lyndon Johnson in March 1968. Addressing the nation from the Oval Office, Johnson devoted most of his remarks to the Vietnam War and his duty to focus on it.

He tried to argue that American forces were making great progress in the war, saying, “Someday, my fellow citizens, there will be peace in Southeast Asia.” That view was at odds with the politics of the Democratic Party, which was torn by divisions over the war, and drew support from several prominent Democrats, including Eugene McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy.

Johnson also acknowledged how the war tore the country apart. “In this time, as in the last, it is true that a house divided against itself by the spirit of faction, party, region, religion, race, is a house that cannot stand. There is now division in the American house.”

He then made the shocking announcement that he would not seek re-election.

“I will not run for re-election. I have served my country for a long time, and I think efficiently and honestly. I will not accept re-nomination. I do not feel it is my duty to stay in the White House for another four years.”

Trump posted on his social media website that the president was “hardly understandable, and so bad!”

During his speech, Biden called Vice President Harris “tough” and “capable.”

In a separate message, Trump criticized Biden and Harris as embarrassments, noting, “THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A TIME LIKE THIS!”

As President Biden addressed the nation, his former opponent was also present.

Trump watched Biden’s 10-minute speech from his campaign plane as he departed North Carolina after a rally.

Photos show Trump looking intently at Biden, his head tilted to the side.

Trump adviser Chris LaCivita later posted on X Another photo shows the former president turned to one side and frowning, not looking attentive as Biden speaks.

“About Trump Force One…Hey Joe…You’re fired!” LaCivita captioned the photo.