102-year-old doctor reveals her surprising advice for a long life

I’m 102 years old and this is my secret to longevity (and it’s so simple you won’t believe it!)

A 102-year-old doctor has revealed her surprising tips and tricks for living longer.

Dr. Gladys McGarey — who still exercises and regularly rides around on a tricycle at her home in Scottsdale, Arizona — explained that the key isn’t some secret superfood or strength ingredient.

Instead, she advised everyone to drink plenty of water.

Although it has been said over and over for decades, Dr. Gladys told FEMAIL that making sure you stay hydrated is essential to avoiding future problems.

She explained, “I would advise everyone to drink plenty of water.”

Dr Gladys McGarey, 102, – who still exercises and regularly rides around on a tricycle at her home in Scottsdale, Arizona – explained the key to longevity

The doctor explained that if we don’t hydrate ourselves enough, it can lead to a host of problems later on.

Our body consists largely of water. It needs water to sustain itself.

“Without enough water, it can cause memory problems, confusion and other health problems.”

“Drinking water is something that is simple for us here in the US and other developed countries that contribute to our health and well-being.”

Plus, she added that there’s no “bad” ingredient she’d recommend everyone avoid.

“There’s no one size that fits all,” she said. “If anyone hates something, it will not serve him.

Dr. Gladys is known as the mother of holistic medicine. She explained that the feelings we attach to what we eat are just as important in shaping our dining experience

“Our emotions are just as much a part of our food as any of the other ingredients.”

She explained that the feelings we attach to what we eat are just as important in shaping our eating experience.

She said, “My father hated chocolate. He refused to eat it. My mom used to make sure he got a chocolate bar for his birthday!

He hated it and refused to eat it. My mom and we kids loved it. She would split it so we all got a piece.

The Well Lived Life of Dr. Gladys McGarey (Penguin Michael Joseph) is out now

“My dad hated the chocolate, but was happy to see how much we loved it.”

Dr. Gladys is known as the mother of holistic medicine, a form of healing that takes into account the mind, body and soul of the patient during treatment.

She co-founded the American Board of Holistic Medicine and ran a family practice for over 60 years.

The mother of six continues to work as a consulting physician and writer.

The doctor also shared that the worst thing you can do for your body is not to say a big, bad substance, but rather – a toxic mindset – never to “forget who you are.”

“If you forget who you really are, you’re not treating your body like the beautiful creation it is,” she explained.

Dr. Gladys was 100 when she began writing her new book, The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age, which came out earlier this month.

The Well Lived Life of Dr. Gladys McGarey (Penguin Michael Joseph) is out now.

Dr. Gladys, pictured in India, is known as the mother of holistic medicine – a form of healing that takes into account the mind, body and soul of the patient during treatment

She co-founded the American Board of Holistic Medicine and ran a family practice for over 60 years. Dr. Gladys imagined herself jumping out of the cake on her 90th birthday


“My days are pretty simple: In the morning I stretch, say a prayer, eat a healthy, high-fiber breakfast and a cup of coffee, and go about my day. Every morning I talk to my friend Rose about my 10-year plan, which helps me know where I’m going with my life.

‘At noon I eat a healthy lunch like a salad or maybe something heavier before taking an hour nap.

“At one point I try to get my 3,800 steps in with my walker, which I often do when I’m just walking around my house.

“Then I eat something lighter at night so I don’t go to bed with a heavy stomach, go to bed at 8:00 to make sure that even if I don’t sleep – that happens less as we get older – I’m getting enough peace.

“I also make sure to stay hydrated throughout the day.

“Just about every aspect of my routine focuses on getting my goal aligned and keeping things moving.

“This keeps my life force active and healthy.

Dr. Gladys was 100 when she began writing her new book, The Well-Lived Life: A 102-Year-Old Doctor’s Six Secrets to Health and Happiness at Every Age. Pictured on her 102nd birthday

“In addition to my daily routine, I get a full body massage weekly to move the lymph and nourish my cells.

“The touch is also nourishing for my mind and soul. I believe everyone needs some kind of safe and comforting touch from others, whether they can afford it through body work or just curling up with a loved one or a pet.

“I will also be hugging people on a regular basis, so I get a lot of warm hugs throughout the week.

“If I’m lucky enough to hug a grandchild, even better.

“I also have a tricycle that I regularly ride around my yard, weather permitting or just whenever I want.

“I drive slowly and enjoy every minute.”

The mother of six continues to work as a consulting physician and writer. Pictured when she was younger

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