10 Beginner Tips You Need to Know Before Starting Fields of Mistria

Fields of Mistria is an early access farming sim that clearly takes inspiration from iconic predecessors: Harvest Moon/Story of seasons And Stardew Valley. While playing these games you will already get an idea of ​​what you should do in Fields of Mistriathere are some unique differences in this one.

Below we provide some beginner tips that we wish we had known before we got too far into our series. Fields of Mistria.

Get free soup at the inn for stamina and health

Image: NPC Studio via Polygon

Every day, you can grab free soup from the cauldron in the center of the inn to restore 20 health and stamina. This is great if you need to refuel before heading to the mines, or if you just need a little boost to finish that errand you have planned for the day. (There are also other unlockable items in the game that you can consume daily for extra stamina, but we won’t spoil them.)

Yes, do those daily assignments

Adeline tells you early in the game that it’s important to accept daily quests from the board in the town, but we can’t stress how important this is, especially early in the game. These quests are usually pretty easy to complete (as they often come with foragables and goods that you should be able to obtain), and they help build Mistria’s fame. You want to build up this fame as much as possible, as it can give you things like money and permanent stamina boosts.

Collect everything you can, especially in the beginning

There are a ton of different types of foragables that you can find right away and sell for a pretty hefty amount of money, especially if you’re strapped for cash early in the game. We recommend keeping at least two of each foragable in case an NPC needs them, but you can sell the rest. There are foragables that grow in specific locations, indicated by a little sprout that stays on the ground or in the water after you pick it up, but sometimes you’ll find these items in random, one-time locations.

Don’t create more work than you’re ready for

Days in Fields of Mistria are short and as it stands, there is no automation for your farm. No sprinklers, no automatic feeders and no automatic petting machines, which means that if you start out with keeping lots of animals and growing crops, you will spend most of your day taking care of them. There are plenty of other activities to earn money with in the game outside of your farm, so don’t go all out right away.

There are spells and abilities that can help you farm instead of sprinklers, but they don’t replace full automation.

Don’t forget you can jump!

A farmer in Fields of Mistria jumps over a riverbank

Image: NPC Studio via Polygon

Being able to jump in a farming game is ironically groundbreaking, so don’t forget that. You can jump into water to swim and even jump across gaps in the mines. That little landmass surrounded by water isn’t just for show! You can jump into water, swim across the river, and harvest those foragables!

Extra stamina during the day? Fish at home!

If it’s late at night and you still have a good amount of stamina, grab your fishing rod and catch some fish from the river on your farm. Fishing uses a lot of stamina and is a great way to prevent your stamina from going down — especially since fish can be sold for a good amount of money.

Do you have some time left and no stamina? Then go crafting and cooking!

If you have the opposite problem from above and you are out of stamina and have a lot of time left, go to a crafting bench and make some stuff. It will make the time go faster and you will get crafting, cooking or blacksmithing experience (depending on what you do), which is always valuable.

Tooltips provide a lot of useful information

A tooltip for Basil from Fields of Mistria, stating how much it costs to sell and how much HP and stamina it restores when eaten.

Image: NPC Studio via Polygon

Hovering over your items will tell you how much money they’re worth, but more importantly, it will tell you if that item needs to be donated to the museum. You’ll see a small building icon in the upper right. If it is, it’s required for the museum to complete, and if it has a checkmark next to it, it means you’ve already donated one. If the building icon isn’t there, you’re good to go — you can do whatever you want with the item without worrying about it.

Chat with everyone you meet

This is a staple of any farming sim! Talk to all the villagers every day to improve your relationships with them. You don’t have to go out of your way to talk to every individual, but if they walk past you, you might as well chat with them.

Don’t just strike enemies with your sword, study their movements

Instead of spamming your sword to attack, pay attention to your enemies. Slimes bounce and stun themselves if they miss, the lamps have vulnerable moments when they’re not electrified, you can knock back projectiles to critically hit those blobs—the list goes on. Taking a moment to study your enemies and counter them is a lot better than swinging your sword at them wildly.